Monday, August 27, 2007

Natural Hair Loss Remedies: From Spinach To Stress Relief

One undeniable fact about the Baby Boomer generation is that
its members are approaching their retirement years. Another fact
is that they are one of the most health-conscious generations in
history, and highly invested in feeling and appearing young for
as long as they can.

But the male Baby Boomers, for all their desire to hang on to
youth, have not yet die themselves of that classic symptom of
aging, the receding hairline. And many of them have turned to
natural hair loss remedies in and attempt to turn back the

While there are two FDA-approved pharmaceutical treatments for
hair loss, Rogaine and Propecia, both of them have side effects
and many Boomers are inclined to treating all their ailments
with natural approaches when any are available. The natural hair
loss remedies do not have side effects when taken in the
recommended dosages; they do not require prescriptions; and they
will produce other health benefits while they are battling hair

Natural hair loss remedies have also been shown to perform
about as well as their more expensive prescription counterparts.
The most effective of them have an inhibiting effect in t he
body's production of DHT, a form of testosterone connected to
the development of male pattern hair loss. Spinach and walnuts
are two natural hair loss remedies rich in the omega fatty acids
known to limit DHT.

Essential Oils

A 1998 study at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in Scotland treated 86
sufferers of the autoimmune disease Alopecia Areata. The
condition caused partial or complete baldness in the study's
subjects; the 43 subjects, who received a two-minute scalp
massage with a mixture of essential oils of thyme, lavender,
rosemary, and cedarwood, mixed with jojoba and grapeseed oils
for seven months had 19, or 44% of the patients experience
significant re-growth of their hair.

The control group, who were massaged only with grapeseed and
jojoba oils, had only 6 patients re-grow their hair. Essential
oils, however, can cause severe allergic reactions in people
when they are used at full-strength, and their use as natural
hair loss remedies would have to be carefully monitored.

Saw Palmetto, which many Boomers are taking as a prostate
health supplement, lower the DHT levels, as do stinging nettle
and pygeum, an extract of evergreen tree bark; some natural hair
loss remedies have formulas combining all three. For more info
http://www.hairloss treatmentshelp. com/Solutions_ To_Hair_Loss_ In_Women
on solutions hair loss.


Hair loss, however, can occur for reasons other than aging and
genetics. People undergoing medical treatments-- cancer patients,
for example--may experience hair loss, as can those under severe
emotional stress. One small study of 21 alopecia areata
sufferers done in Brussels indicated that after three or four
hynotherapy session spaced three weeks apart, 12 patients had
some re-growth, and 9 patients had complete re-growth of their
lost hair. Hypnosis has yet to gain any footing as one of the
common natural hair loss remedies, but by treating the stresses
which underlie some hair loss may yet prove quite useful.

About The Author: You can also find more info on
http://www.hairloss treatmentshelp. com/Propecia_ Hair_Loss_ Treatment
on propecia hair loss and
http://www.hairloss treatmentshelp. com/Regrowth_ Hair_Loss_ Treatment
on regrowth hair loss. http://Hairlosstrea tmentshelp. com is a
comprehensive resource to know about Hair loss Treatme