Monday, December 31, 2007

Normal Hair Loss Hair Loss During Puberty Normal

I hope you find this information on Normal Hair Loss informative and useful to your needs and helps you with your problem

If you have hair falling out, you may be trying to decide what is normal hair loss and what is not. This can be tricky, and it may depend on how much attention you are paying to the problem. You may be surprised to know is hair loss during puberty normal. That you lose a lot of hair each day, and that this is completely normal, though some notice it more than others. What you notice will depend on the color, length, and texture of your hair. You can’t pay attention to what might be normal hair loss for others; you just have to keep an eye on what yours is doing to decide what is normal for you.

There is a running joke about my hair, but it’s almost not even a joke. It’s the truth. Once you have been near me, it is a good chance you will find pieces of hair in your car, home, or on your clothes for some months to come. This is a result of my natural hair loss, but it seems more pronounced because of what my hair looks like. I have long, naturally curly, blond hair. Once it gets on you or anything else, you notice it. I had a friend call me once to tell me she found one of my hairs in her car. This was six months after our last meeting. It’s that amazing hair loss normal?

For most people, normal hair loss means losing about a hundred hairs in one day. That may seem like a lot, but these hairs are replaced by new growth each day as well. This is why you find a lot of short hairs on your head if you have very long hair. For normal hair loss, the hair just falls out and you are on your way without even knowing it happened. Though someone may find your hair somewhere, for the most part it falls to the ground and no one even notices normal daily hair loss.

I have normal hair loss, but there are times when I wonder. The problem I have is that I have natural curls. When the hair falls out it tends to get caught in my hair. When I run my fingers through my hair, they all come out at once and it looks like nothing even close to normal hair loss. Because they all stayed put due to my curls I must brush or use my fingers to get rid of it. It looks like a lot at one shot, but it simply my normal hair loss. I worried about it quite a bit until I realized that I was far from bald, no matter how much hair came out at once. In fact, I have quite a thick head of hair.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Nurse's Guide To Hair Loss Facts Tips And Treatments

Author: Helen Hecker

First some interesting bits of trivia: the word alopecia originated
from the Greek word meaning fox; the origin comes from the fact that the
fox sheds its coat twice a year. And statistics show that most men have
a 50% chance of experiencing hereditary hair loss by their 50th
birthday .The typical average hair loss actually amounts to about 100 strands
a day.

Some causes of hair loss include mycotic infections causing massive
hair loss, hypothyroidism, especially thinning of the outer third of the
eyebrows and some drugs or medications, which improves when you stop
taking the medicine. Medications that can cause hair loss include blood
thinners, gout medicines, chemotherapy drugs used for cancer,
supplementing with too much vitamin A, birth control pills and antidepressants.

Wearing a hat generally should not cause baldness, though it's a good
idea to give your scalp a rest and let it breathe for several hours
every day. Temporary loss of hair can occur in areas where sebaceous cysts
are present for one to several weeks. Poor digestion, parasites and
nutrient deficiencies such as iron or biotin deficiency shouldn't be
overlooked as possible causes also.

Now tumors and skin growths can also induce localized baldness. If the
thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, hair may fall out so
treating the underlying thyroid disease will help remedy this. And alopecia
areata is an autoimmune disorder also known as "spot baldness" that can
result in hair loss that ranges from just one area to every hair on
the body.

Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil (called Rogaine in the U.S and
elsewhere known as Regaine) are drugs that have reportedly shown some
success in partially reversing loss but one really has to consider the side
effects. Propecia is available with a prescription only comes in pill
form, is only for men, may take up to six months before you can tell if
it is working and you have to keep taking it. Immunosuppressants
applied to the scalp have been shown to temporarily reverse alopecia areata,
though the side effects of some of these drugs make this type of
therapy very questionable.

Surgery is another method but extreme method of reversing hair loss and
baldness. Hair loss remedies like treatments with prescription drugs
are long term commitments. Minoxidil is available without a prescription
and is for topical application, but one needs to consider its side

Hair loss treatments and remedies range widely in price from free to
expensive. Regular aerobic exercise can help keep the hormone androgen
levels naturally lower while maintaining overall health, lowering stress
and increasing SHBG. Studies done on subjects of various ages suggest
that weight training alone may increase testosterone in those studies where aerobic exercise only was compared to either weight training or a somewhat sedentary life.

Massage the scalp with slight pressure with the fingers daily. One
patient reported that he had used coconut oil on his hair and scalp for
about a year and during that time his hair became thicker and he had more
of it on the top of his head where he had been receding a little bit.
Coconut oil is good as a hair gel too. Make sure that you test remedies
on a small area first and check with your hair loss doctor or skin
doctor before trying any natural home remedy, especially if it includes
any irritating ingredients.

One home remedy is to massage the scalp nightly with a mixture made of
one part rosemary oil and two parts almond oil. Then there is the olive
oil and rosemary remedy for hair loss - before bedtime use equal
amounts of olive oil and oil of rosemary; combine them in a bottle, shake
vigorously, massage into the scalp, put on a shower cap and shampoo in
the morning. Saw Palmetto is an herbal DHT inhibitor often claimed to be
cheaper and have far fewer side effects than finasteride and

Beta Sitosterol, which is a constituent of many seed oils, can help to
treat BHP (benign prostatic hypertrophy) by lowering cholesterol
however consuming large amounts to get at small quantities of beta sitosterol
is likely to exacerbate male pattern baldness. Russian cure with honey
and vodka remedy - combine one tablespoon honey with one jigger of
vodka and the juice of a medium-size onion, then rub the mixture into the
scalp every night, cover with a cap and shampoo in the morning.

The onion juice and honey remedy: prepare a hair-growing mixture by
combining 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of honey then massage
the scalp with it every day. For something strange try the fingernail
buffer three times a day or so, for about five minutes. Buff your
right fingernails with the fingernails of your left hand; this is supposed
to stop hair loss, encourage hair growth and prevent hair from graying.
And polygonum multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure. Whether or
not the plant itself is useful, the general safety and quality control
of herbs imported from China can be quite questionable.

If you have any form of hair loss that causes you concern, make an
appointment with your doctor to discuss the treatment options available to
you for your particular condition and research natural remedies.
Treatment for alopecia can be slow and sometimes not very successful. The
more hair that's lost, the more you may have to work to get it back and
in some cases may not be able to, but try as many natural non-invasive
treatments and remedies as you possibly can. With extensive research,
reading ratings and reviews and reading testimonials from real people,
not paid actors, you may be able to find the right hair loss product,
treatment or remedy that'll work for you.

For more information on hair loss remedies and hair loss products go to
a nurse's website specializing in hair
loss treatments, causes and resources for men, women and children
including information on hair transplants and hair loss natural treatments

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hair Loss Treatment Help

Hair Loss Treatment Help
By Oliver Turner

Causes of hair loss are wide and varied. Wearing pigtails, cornrows or using tight hair rollers can cause hair loss due to pulling action. This type of hair loss is called traction alopecia. Sometimes using hot oil or chemicals on scalp may cause inflammation or burning in the hair follicles and result in hair loss. Major surgery, stress, long illness, and hormonal problems can also cause hair loss in large amounts. Temporary illnesses usually do not cause hair loss.

Baldness is the most common cause of hair loss in men. Some time women also develop female pattern baldness. In female hair loss begins usually in the form hair thinning.

Diagnosing: The doctors usually enquire about food habits, diet, recent illness, medications, menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause etc for diagnosing the cause of hair loss. Blood tests or a biopsy from scalp is also done if necessary.

Treatment for hair loss : Hair loss treatments are available according to the type hair loss. If the hair loss is due to medications, doctors prescribe different medicines. If the hair loss is due to infections usually antibiotics are prescribed. Hair loss due to hormonal imbalance is corrected using hormone/ steroid injections. Medicines are also available to help in preventing the development of baldness. Following are some of the common medicines available for preventing hair loss or slowing down baldness.

Minoxidil: This medicine is applied on the scalp. Both men and women can use this medicine. This medicine is available over the counter however it is better to consult a doctor beforehand.

Finasteride: This medicine is suitable only for men and it comes in the form of pills. This medicine is available only on prescription.

The other methods to reduce or prevent hair loss include stress reduction and regular exercise. Regular exercise can help to keep the androgen levels low. Stress reduction methods like Yoga, Reiki, laughter therapy etc are great for reducing hair loss.

Find more about Hair Loss on . More useful content on LeanderNet -

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Hair Loss – Getting to the Roots

Hair Loss – Getting to the Roots
By Paul Callis

Everyday we shed hair regardless of age or how healthy our hair is, just the same as we shed skin. Most of us fortunately never have any problems with noticeable hair loss, but then there are an ever increasing amount of us that do experience the almost ‘nightmare’ of losing our hair at all different ages. Once hair has been lost it is normally replaced in a reasonable amount of time, but it is only when the hair is not replaced for whatever reason that may be, that the loss of hair starts to become noticeable.

There are many myths of hair loss as usual, just as there are with any medical condition, but there are numerous known contributors to hair loss, that are present in most of our lives. Excessive bleaching and colouring of your hair and the constant use of products that are full of chemicals can be detrimental for your hair’s condition. The process of aging can have the effect of hair loss even if you have lived a stress free healthy life, and can cause you to search for []hair loss treatment.

Most drugs whether they have been prescribed by doctors or taken for recreational purposes can not only have an effect on practically all of your bodily functions, and lot term effect on your body mentally and physically, but can also contribute to the loss of hair at all stages of life. Any type of skin infection or hormonal imbalance with women can influence the loss of hair, and so can any illness that has taken a hard toll on your body.

One of the most common thoughts of hair loss is down to stress, and working a lot of hours and spending most of your working week stressed up to your eyeballs, and not been able to distress before you commence with another stressful day at work seems to contribute to a lot of hair loss across the nation. A simply remedy to this is work less hours, or do not let your work stress you up as much. This is quite often easy to say, and very difficult to put into practice.

More information on Hair Loss Treatment can be found at the author’s website at

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Hair Loss Explained

By Oliver Turner

Hair loss or baldness is a condition in which hair does not grow on the scalp after hair fall. The most common form of baldness is the development of a hair thinning condition called androgenic alopecia or male baldness which occurs in adult males.

The nature of hair loss or baldness can vary greatly. These are the types of hair loss

1. Androgenic alopecia: Loss of hair in men is called as androgenic alopecia.

2. Alopecia areata: Here hair loss occurs in some portions of the head.

3. Alopecia totalis: In this the hair loss occurs over the entire scalp to an extreme limit.

4. Alopecia universalis: This involves the loss of all hair from the entire body.

The other less common kinds of baldness are:

1) Traction alopecia: This type of hair loss is mostly observed in people with ponytails who pull their hair with excessive force while combing. Wearing a hat for more than 8 hours also causes hair loss. The scalp should breathe at least 7 hours in a day.

2) Telogen effluvioum: Hair loss some times occurs due to causes like major surgery, poisoning, child birth, chemotherapy severe stress etc and such condition is known as telogen effluvium.

3) Mycotic Infections: Mycotic infections can cause massive hair loss.

4) Alopecia areata: This type hair loss is known as spot baldness and is caused due to autoimmune disorder.

Prevention Methods

A variety of treatment is available for hair loss. However, even today the treatment for alopecia has a limited success rate. Prevention is better than cure is very much applicable to hair loss. It is much easier to prevent the falling out of healthy hair than re-growing new ones. Regular exercise can help keep androgen levels low naturally and reduce falling of hair. Stress reduction can stop hair loss. A balanced and nutritious diet reduces the falling of hair to a great extent.

Find more about Hair Loss on . More useful content on LeanderNet -

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hair loss treatment for women

Hair loss treatment for women needs to be approached differently.Hair loss treatment
for women can involve surgical hair replacement, although this is a very painful and expensive process.

Hair replacement systems

as opposed to extension, have grown in popularity with women because of their comfortable fit and more life like looks. Hair loss is a common phenomenon that occurs in with men and women. Hair loss treatment is a big business, but the reality is that there are only a handful of substances which have been proven to work effectively in restoring hair growth.

Hair Loss Shampoo's

Marketed to clean each follicle completely of accumulated oil and debris, and to ensure you that your follicles are not mistaken as foreign proteins. Hair loss is a gradual process, some research has indicated that it takes 5 years or more for foicle roots to fully cease.

Hair growth

takes place at the junction of the follicle and the papilla. Hair loss is a process that occurs everyday. Hair loss has become one of the most common and dreaded problems faced by both men and women alike, more so, as hair plays an important role in a person's appearance throughout life. Hair is a significant part of ones personality. Hair loss or balding is a common problem across the world now.


Treatment with Viagra can be helpful in these cases Treatments for permanent female hair loss include medications and follicular unit transplantation procedures.

Womens hair loss treatment

Women’s Rogaine®
is an over-the-counter hair loss treatment for women that can provide a defense against the initial stages of hair loss. Womens hair loss treatment often focuses on treating the diseases, like cancer, which are causing it. Women generally have a diffuse thinning (less hair all over), in contrast to men who more frequently have a "patterned" type (hair loss that spares the back and sides). Women often maintain their frontal hairline, whereas men characteristically lose a significant amount of hair in the front part of their scalp from the very beginning.

Natural hair loss treatment

Natural hair loss treatment for thinning hair and balding in men and women not effective remedy as other approved medicines. Natural wigs are significantly less expensive than synthetic at about $150, while synthetic wigs are closer to $1000. Natural lotions are a topical solution used in the treatment of hair loss.

Vitamins For Hair Loss

By Arinze Ngonadi


Once you know the basics of how your hair grows you can use hair loss solution although it is unbelievable how difficult it is to find any decent solutions these days.

Treatment varies between man and woman due to different length and structure of hair. Hair genesis is the first botanically derived treatment designed to stop thinning hair in both men and women.


Vitamins and minerals are also lost when foods are harvested early and shipped long distances or when preservatives are added to them. Vitamins for thinning hair can help to slow down the process of thinning hair and hair loss. They do not really include other essential nutrients such as dietary minerals, essential fatty acids, essential amino acids or other nutrients that promote health but that are not essential for life. Vitamins help the body in effective metabolism to break the fats and carbohydrates into energy and to supply this energy to the whole body.

Here is a list of basic list of vitamins and their function for hair growth.

1) Vitamin e may cause high blood pressure and may interfere with clotting.

2) Vitamin b5 is the second one on the list.

3) Vitamin e supplements are also available for hair loss.

4) Vitamin c helps the body get rid of poisons and impurities in the system.

5) Vitamin c is a very unstable vitamin, as it can be destroyed by high temperature, daytime and air.

6) Vitamin a is not a hair growth vitamin and will do little to stop your hair loss.

Baldness is not always inevitable, and the amount and rate of loss can often be diminished with the correct treatment.

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If you would like more information on hair loss visit

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Can Vitamins Grow Back Hair?

Can Vitamins Grow Back Hair?
By Wasuk Jones

Taking hair vitamins and good nutrition are vital to healthy
hair growth, just as it's essential to overall good health. The
question is what vitamins aid in hair growth?

Although your body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to
maintain proper body functions, there are several that are
specific to hair growth and health.

When starting a new vitamin regime, it usually takes
from 2 to 3 months to see results in your hair's
condition. That means that patience and consistency
is very important. It's also important to check with your
doctor before starting a vitamin program, especially if you
have health concerns.

So just what vitamins aid in hair growth? only you can tell. Have a look at
the list below and decide which vitamin is more suitable for you.

Vitamin A

Antioxidant that helps produce healthy sebum in the scalp. Food sources: Fish
liver oil, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots,
apricots and peaches.

Vitamin C

Antioxidant that helps maintain skin & hair health.

Vitamin E

Antioxidant that enhances scalp circulation.


Helps produce keratin, may prevent graying and hair loss.


Keeps hair follicles healthy at the cellular level.

Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Promotes scalp circulation.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)

Prevents graying and hair loss.

Vitamin B6

Prevents hair loss, helps create melanin, which gives hair its color.

Vitamin B12

Prevents hair loss.

Before starting any vitamin regime, it is advised that you speak with your physician to ensure that you're okay to take vitamins, especially vitamin A.

You can hopefully make an informed decision about hair vitamins now you
know what vitamins aid in hair growth.

Wasuk Jones is the owner of a website which discuses the different ways to grow hair

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Vitamin For Hair Loss - Plenty Of Choices To Choose From

By Arturo Ronzon

If you are experiencing substantial hair loss and you are becoming more and more concerned about what is happening to your hair, you can take a vitamin for hair loss. If you do your research and search online, you can not only find many remedies for hair loss, but you will find many offers for vitamin for hair loss.

People who are suffering from hair loss feel that they are not as attractive as those who have a “full head of hair.” It is sad that people feel they are not as good as others simply because they are experiencing hair loss. When you take a vitamin for hair loss, you can feel as if you are doing something that may aid you in your quest to keep as much hair as you possibly can.

When you search online, you can find a vast array of vitamin for hair loss. If you are not experiencing significant hair loss at this time, but know that can be coming soon, taking a vitamin for hair loss may slow down the process.

As you browse online, you will be offered a vast amount of choices. It can be hard to know which vitamin for hair loss you should invest your money in. Vitamin for hair loss can be a lot less expensive than other more drastic measures, and if you catch it early, it could be that vitamin for hair loss can do you a lot of good.

You can never know how your hair loss is going to go, so it is best to seek expert advice if you are truly concerned about your increasing hair loss. Many men think that women judge them on the amount of hair that is on their head, but nothing could be further from the truth. Some women definitely care, but most women do not judge a man according to the head of hair they are carrying.

If you are concerned about hair loss, you can do as much research as you can on vitamin for hair loss. If you are not ready for more serious measures, then a vitamin for hair loss may just be the thing you are looking for. You should be judged by the person you are, but if you need a boost of confidence, then maybe taking a vitamin for hair loss may be just the thing you need to get you back on track in your personal life.

For more information about Vitamin for Hair Loss, feel free to visit us at:

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Hair Loss In Women - Six Causes

Hair Loss In Women - Six Causes
By Mike Jones

Hair loss in women differs from hair loss in men in the following ways:

Signs of hair loss in men:

Receding hairline

Moderate to extensive hair loss, particularly on the crown of the head

Signs of hair loss in women:

General thinning of hair all over the head

Moderate hair loss on the crown of the head or at the hairline

In summary, hair loss in women can start around 30 years of age and usually involves overall thinning rather than a bald patch. It often becomes more noticeable around 40 years of age.

Here are six causes of hair loss in women which can help you identify the possible cause and decide whether to just wait for the hair to regrow, or if it is a more serious reason, get professional advice and take appropriate action:

#1. Hair loss in women is often connected to pregnancy. Three to six months after delivering a child, many women notice a degree of hair loss as the hair goes into a resting phase because of the physiological impact of the pregnancy on the body.

#2. A woman's body can also be greatly affected by intensive diets and losing a lot of weight in a short period of time.

#3. Severe illnesses and infections can put great stress on the body thus triggering the hair into a resting phase which result hair shedding. Often the body recovers naturally within 3 to 9 months and the hair begins to regrow until it almost resembles its original condition.

#4. Hair loss in women can be aggravated further by improper use of chemical hair treatments such as dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, and permanent waves.

Generally, healthy hair can undergo these treatments without showing signs of stress, if they are not done too often. However, if hair is breaking or if it becomes brittle it is best to stop these procedures until the hair has grown out.

#5. The constant pulling of hair with styles such as ponytails and braids can sometimes cause hair loss in women. Avoid pulling the hair tight with these styles.

#6. Rough combing and brushing of the hair and vigorous rubbing with a towel after shampooing can cause it to break, adding further to the problem of Hair loss in women. Wide toothed combs and brushes with smooth tips are recommended to minimize hair breakage.


Although hair loss is distressing for everyone, hair loss in women is perhaps a cause of more anxiety as it can lead to feelings of lack of confidence and femininity.

In many cases, proper care and attention to hair can greatly reduce the danger of hair loss.

In other cases involving illness or heredity, consulting with a professional hair stylist can result in a hair style that minimizes the effect of hair loss in women.

Recommendation: The NewHair Biofactors system stops hair loss within 1 week guaranteed! This hair care range from Nisim International, leaders in hair science for over 20 years, also assists in the growth of new hair. Click here for full details:

Check Mike’s free hair loss research library here:

Speed up hair growth:

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A Guide to Female Hair Loss

A Guide to Female Hair Loss
By Josh Riverside

Hair loss usually occurs because of hormonal factors. As a consequence, biological events like puberty, pregnancy and menopause that effect female hormone levels can also cause female hair loss. In the case of pregnancy, hair loss is simply a consequence of the stress the body undergoes during labor and should stop approximately 6 months after birth. Discontinuation of taking birth control pills can also cause temporary female hair loss.

The most common type of female hair loss is androgenetic alopecia or female-pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is associated with hair thinning predominantly over the sides and top of the head. Female hair loss affects about one-third of all susceptible women and usually onsets after menopause although it can begin earlier.

Other causes of female hair loss include dieting. Rapid weight loss over a short period of time promotes hair loss and some supplements such as excessive vitamin A also contribute to hair loss. Physical and emotional stress can cause hair loss but this usually only occurs when the trauma is excessive and of a long duration. Everyday stress does not promote hair loss.

Some common myths related to female hair loss are that frequent washing and shampooing, and wearing of wigs and hats all cause hair loss. In addition, rumors abound that permanents, coloring, and other cosmetic treatments can cause permanent hair loss. Other myths are that brushing your hair everyday will create healthier hair, that shaving your head will cause hair to grow back thicker, and that stress causes permanent hair loss. Finally, other myths are that there is a cure for female-pattern baldness and that dandruff causes permanent hair loss.

These are just a few common myths associated with female hair loss. If you experience excessive hair loss, you should see a licensed dermatologist for a thorough diagnosis and treatment options. []Hairloss Info provides detailed information about the cause of male and hair loss, as well as products, treatments, remedies, and more. Hairloss Info is the sister site of []Snoring Web.

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Women's Hair Loss Treatment

By Ofer Tirosh

Most of the modern day hair loss treatments articles and researches tend to relate almost exclusively to men. What about women's hair loss treatment? What is the best treatment for hair loss for the female gender? Do these same treatments offer solutions to women suffering from hair loss or is there a completely different category of remedies available?

It is up to the reasons for hair loss. In most of the cases the causes of female hair growth problems are the same as those that affect men. Therefore, women's hair loss treatment in the market are pretty similar.

The most common causes for female hair growth problems are telogen effluvium, female pattern baldness and alopecia areata. Each has its own recommended womens hair loss treatments.

Telogen effluvium - One of the most common causes of female hair growth problems. It usually involves a thinning of the hair because of a traumatic event like pregnancy. The women's best hair loss treatment for Telogen effluvium is time. As time goes by the effect of the traumatic event vanishes and the hair starts to regrow.

Female pattern baldness - The most common cause for female hair growth problems. It is similar to the male pattern baldness. The problem is a reaction to male hormones in the body. The best women's hair loss treatment in this case is Rogaine. Rogaine is the only FDA approved women's hair loss treatment. However, It will not work in all cases. In most cases it stops hair loss and makes female hair growth rehabilitate.

We do not recommend the use of Propecia as a treatment for women's hair loss treatmnet. Propecia is the best treatment for hair loss for men with male pattern baldness.

Alopecia areata - Characterized by bald areas over the head and other parts of the body, This phenomena is yet unrevealed. The women's hair loss treatment for this phenomena could be Rogaine, aloe vera gel or time.

This short review of women's hair loss treatment concludes the best hair loss treatments for 3 of the most common female hair growth problems.

911 Corp. executed an independent research to find the best products to stop your hair loss and regrow your hair. The results were clear. Propecia is the most effective treatment for male hair loss. Learn more about hair loss, about propecia and about our research on Best treatment for hair loss -

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Natural Hair Loss Treatment

By Ofer Tirosh

A few years ago there were no "official" natural hair loss treatments. Nowadays, medical enterprises understand that there are a lot of people that prefer natural hair loss treatments. Those people prefer not to use chemical substances for stopping hair loss.

One of the most popular natural hair loss treatments is a proper diet. It is a well known fact that food with a high percentage of the vitamin silica can be used as a natural hair loss treatment. Try having more cucumbers, potatoes and peppers and strengthen your hair.

A complementary natural hair loss treatment to diet is massaging. You can massage your scalp, ask your partner to do it or use an electric massager. The massage is an easy to use yet not proven natural hair loss treatment. It stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles.

Exercising is another natural hair loss treatment which was not proven to stop hair loss. Yet, exercise resolves blood pressure and delivers blood and oxygen to all body parts. Natural doctors believe that it is a good natural hair loss treatment.

Surprisingly, Cleansing is another natural hair loss treatment. Cleansing helps preventing diseases that cause hair loss and removes toxic substances from the scalp. It is a necessary natural hair loss treatment and should be done form the first phases of hair loss.

Saw palmetto is a natural hair loss treatment being used by a large and growing public of men. It protects the prostate and stops hair loss in many cases. This natural hair loss treatment comes in a capsule form and is made of seranoa repens.
The most recommended natural hair loss treatment is Revivogen.

Revivogen Scalp Therapy works by decreasing the levels of DHT in the scalp. This allows the hair follicles to rejuvenate and produce thicker and stronger hair, creating a fuller and healthier head of hair.

This natural hair loss treatment works by simply applying it at least once a day to the affected area of the scalp and the surrounding areas.

All about hair loss, natural hair loss treatments and other hair loss products on []Natural hair loss treatments.
911 Corp. executed an independent research to find the best hair loss treatments. The results were clear. Revivogen is the best natural hair loss treatment and Propecia is the leading product. more on []All about hair loss - Leandernet.

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Buying a Hair Loss Prevention Product Suitable For You

By Tim Bock

If you have noticed that your hair is getting a little thinner around the edges, do not despair. Well, the despairing will happen, but try not to despair too much. You are definitely not alone in this, and there are many things you can do to help with your hair loss before all hope is loss.

Buying a hair loss prevention product is one of your options when it comes to treating a hair loss condition. In some cases, buying hair loss prevention is all that is necessary to curb hair loss. The effectiveness of hair loss prevention shampoos and hair loss prevention creams really does depend a great deal on the reason for the hair loss in the first place.

Many hair loss conditions are based on genetic conditions, and unfortunately these conditions are fairly difficult to treat. It is almost like your hair is destined to start falling out when you hit a certain age, and buying a hair loss prevention product will do little to nothing to help. In most cases, however, hair loss products can help even if it is just a little bit. Many formulas also help with the dry scalp and itchiness that can come along with hair loss, which is a good thing as that is one of the more frustrating parts of losing your hair.

If you are starting to notice your hair thinning and are considering buying a hair loss prevention product, like a special shampoo or cream, it works best when applied as early on as possible, so be sure to get to your drugstore before it is too late.

For more hair loss prevention tips, please visit: []Hair Loss Solutions a website that specializes in combating hair loss and []hair loss prevention with Rogaine

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Understanding Hair Loss is Key to Prevention

By Tim Gorman

When you start experiencing symptoms such as fever or fatigue, you immediately start investigating causes, right? Why should hair loss be any different? If you blindly try to treat your hair loss without understanding the cause of it, you could be doing more harm than good. In order to prevent hair loss and start re-growing healthy hair, diagnosing the cause of the loss is the first step.

Hair loss can be age related, genetic, stress-related, or due to environmental factors. Age related hair loss is the most common type of hair loss, and occurs when the natural re-growth process stops or slows. Remember, everyone loses hair, an average of 100 hairs a day. Problems occur when your hair stops re-growing or you re-grow fewer hairs than what you lose.

Hair loss can be related to stress caused by rapid weight loss, illness (especially prolonged illness), surgery, reaction to anesthesia, or intolerance of certain drugs. A tragedy or even a major life decision such as moving, having a child, or marriage can cause or accelerate stress related hair loss.

Perming, coloring, or bleaching your hair can cause hair loss because it weakens the hair strand. Tight pony-tails or braids can cause hair loss from actually pulling the hair from the roots. Diagnosing and removing the cause of the stress will likely allow hair to re-grow fully.

Poor nutrition can also cause hair loss, and eating a healthier diet will allow hair to re-grow.

These are only a few of the many causes of hair loss. But remember, diagnosing the cause of any symptom is the first step in treatment and prevention. Hair loss is no different.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of [] He provides more hair loss prevention tips and []hair loss prevention products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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What are the Main Reasons For Hair Loss?

What are the Main Reasons For Hair Loss?
By Ash R

There are many reasons for hair loss. Hair loss could be due to stress, medication, hormonal imbalance etc. DHT and male pattern baldness are closely related to each other. The dihydrotestosterone has a very bad effect on the hair follicles, which slows down the growth of hair or stops hair growth completely.

The main cause of hair loss is stress. Stress and mental tension leads to hair loss. Male pattern hair loss is a genetic problem and is hereditary. Hormones like testosterone and DHT make the hair fall, you could even go bald completely. Bald people can regain hair through medication and surgery. Baldness is not a disease but it is a condition. A person could become bald any time, but the process of balding takes some time. First the hair becomes thin, then the hair starts falling, and slowly the hair growth stops which could lead to a bald head.

Hair care is very important for people who have hair loss problems. Male pattern hair loss is very common and if treated at an early stage it would be very beneficial. The reason for hair loss in men and women is different. Hair loss treatments help in aiding hair growth. Hair loss is a very difficult situation to handle and if left untreated then it could lead to a bald pate.

Your hair would be healthy and shiny if your internal body system functions properly. If you are having any illness then you could lose hair. Taking vitamins and minerals helps in hair growth.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Baldness in men

Author: Rosy Vohra

The loss of hair where it should be, especially over head, is a much matter of concern for every young man. Generally thislessening of the hair is gradual, and takes place as progressive diminishing of the hairline.

This is technically referred to as androgenic alopecia or the male pattern baldness which occurs inhuman males and a few other primate animals. There is much ongoing research in this direction and endeavors have been successful in preventing and in few cases even reversing the process.

The male pattern baldness is characterized by hairs receding from the lateral sides of the forehead followed by a bald patch on the top of the mid-frontal head. The main culprit to this is the sex hormone dihydrotestosterone, or in short DHT which has much influence over the prostrate and the hairline.

DHT is the biologically active metabolite of the potent male hormone testosterone and is 30 times more powerful than testosterone. It is worthwhile to remember that testosterone plays vigorous role in propelling and controlling the development and maintenance of male characteristics. While DHT has much role to play in promoting facial and body hair, it has inhabiting effect on head hair.

Testosterone is transformed into DHT under the catalytic influence of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase which upon its action on the genetically predisposed scalps leads to follicularminiaturization. In this process the hair shift width isprogressively shrunk and dehydrated to the extent of its remnantas fuzz.

The influence of harmful effects of DHT can be reduced by the intake of soy isoflavones and green tea. Baldness treatment is a billion dollar industry. Severalvasodilators as minoxidil functioning towards increased bloodflow to the hair follicle and other cholesterol lowering drugs are formulated and administrated to the afflicted.

Minoxidil was initially used to treat high blood pressure was found instrumental in the hair growth and reversing baldness as the side effect. However the drug need not be taken without medical advice. Drugs as finasteride are also a DHT inhibitor and acts by jamming the biosynthesis of 5-alpha reductase which converts free testosterone into undesirable DHT activity.

Ketoconazole is another antifungal drug and also a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Other upcoming treatments include stem cell therapy and hair cloning executed by way of multiplying hair roots. Research teamfrom the University of Pennsylvania in collaboration with Follica Inc, a US based company is working towards alleviating baldness by stimulating the inactive hair follicles by making use of stem cells.

This is undertaken by way of rekindling genesonce active during embryonic development in the foetal stages.About the author:Rosy Vohra works for buy sell old books the booksellers india

ProFollica- how it can restore thinning hair in women

Author: Carole Moore

Every woman knows how much her hair can affect her appearance.From shampoos to extensions, there are countless products to improve the look, feel and abundance of your mane. Women spend a fortune on hair stylists, constantly changing their look by adopting different styles such and pony tails, short bobs, longwaves and different colors.

The worst thing for a woman is when her own hair starts to become thinner, which can happen due to external factors such as environmental pollution, weather conditions such as living in a climate of high humidity, or personal elements such as a poor diet, resulting in vitamin ormineral deficiency, and women going through menopause.

Even some medications can have the unpleasant side effect of causing hair damage. Women who are suffering from thinning hair, or even baldness may now benefit from ProFollica, which offers them an effective remedy. ProFollica is a three step program involving both topical and oral treatment for hair loss.

A specific treatment can now help women regain their previously thinning hair within a period of six months. What is ProFollica and how does it work? There are three steps in the ProFollica treatment, consisting of a shampoo, activator gel for the scalp and nutritional supplements that are essential for healthy hair growth.

The shampoo is specifically designed to remove excess sebum from the base of the hair shaft , and contains plant extracts that actually block the enzymes that stifle hair development. Tomaximize the effect of the shampoo, you should use it on a daily basis.

After shampooing, you then apply the activator gel which stimulates the hair growth by getting the hair back into the anagen (hair growth) stage and also helps to revitalize the individual hair follicles The nutritional supplement pill then nourishes the hair, because it contains more than twenty vitamins, minerals and amino acids which help the hair to stay healthy.

The supplement pill also helps to increase blood flow to the follicles, which then stimulates the follicles into producing much healthier hair. Advantages of ProFollica ProFollica uses natural plant extracts which produce a minimum of side effects.

It is a complete system which is easy to use,and is safe for permed and colored hair. Best of all, you don't need a doctor's prescription to purchase ProFollica. What is in ProFollica Each ingredient in ProFollica has been chosen because it performs a specific function in the hair regrowth process.

Ginkgo Biloba extract enhances circulation in the scalp,Cinnamomum Zeylanicum extract eliminates bacteria from the scalpand Kigelia Africana extract has been shown to block the enzymeswhich actually stop hair growth. Wanting to buy ProFollica? There are various places where you can buy ProFollica from.

One kit can cost you around $90, while two kits can cost you $170.You can order the kit through any means like online, fax, e-mailand telephone. The companies will deliver the product to you;shipping may be extra.

The product does come with an no questions asked, unconditional, 60 day money back guarantee, so if you don't see significant results after two months you can get a full refund. About the author:Carole Moore is an avid researcher of women's health products including ProFollica and runs a successful website dedicated toreviewing various health products and bringing the latestinformation about them to the consumer. For great healthproducts tips, free information ,discount offers and more, seeCarole's site at

Hair Loss

Author: Linzi Beuselinck

When I was first invited to take over this column, I was very excited because there were a myriad of topics that I wanted to cover, none more so than one on hair loss. My main reason for wanting to do so was the fact that I myself have been greatly affected by the loss of my hair due to an under-active thyroidand Sjorgen's syndrome.

I suppose I should consider myself lucky as my hair loss isn't apparent to anyone but me but that doesn't help my confidence one bit. I can no longer wear my hair down.The luxury of wearing different styles has been taken out of thee quation. As kids, I remember my older sister Jeanne producing apair of thinning scissors in the school playground and a frisson of excitement that ensued.

I was the first in the queue as I used to think my hair was too thick and unruly. I gamely let her cut away not knowing what she was doing. Finally, as I ran my hands through my hair, I felt a surge of contentment as finally I had what I'd always wanted - thinner locks! Most recently, I came across an article written by the broadcaster and author Jenni Murray on how she took the sudden loss of her hair whilst having treatment for breast cancer.

She decided to precipitate this eventual catastrophe by shaving off what was left. I read with interest how it wasn't the breastcancer that shook her but the fact that she was going to lose her hair due to chemotherapy. On hearing the news she burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

She soon found that her reaction was common amongst women. Another well-know television presenter who found herself in similar circumstances is Gail Porter whose hair-loss was caused - like mine - by alopecia. Gail also has a problem with her thyroid and takes daily medication. Hertroubles started when she awoke one morning to find clumps of hair strewn across her pillow.

This continued for a further four weeks until she ended up completely bald. To make matters worse,she went on to learn that there was only a 10% chance that her hair would grow back. This must have been a particular blow to her as she once had such beautiful long hair.

So far she has steadfastly refused to wear wigs or scarves. Every year thousands of women lose their hair as a result ofalopecia or chemotherapy treatment. What are the psychological and emotional effects on a woman of losing her hair and how important is our hair to our sense of identity? In some cultures long hair is seen as a symbol of fertility,desirability, identity or good health or status.

So, the inferences being that without hair women are no longer sexy,attractive or aesthetically pleasing. The shaving of one's hair is also seen as a sign of penitence, renunciation or piety asopposed to a mark of vanity. Historically a shaven head hasalways had meaning - and in a woman's case, mostly negative.

Men of war would often cut a lock of hair to give to their love dones. The significance being that their silky locks left apositive, romantic impression in their absence. Nature also plays a role as people are programmed to take notice of hair because it is a secondary sexual characteristic.

You only have to look at shampoo advertisements which feature young,nubile women with their long, flowing hair that scream of desirability. French women who were known to fraternise with German soldiers during World War II had their heads shaved and were paraded in the streets as a form of retribution. It is also said that humans rely on visual cues to make snap decisions.

People lead busy lives and like anything that allows them to make judgments quickly, hair being an important cue. I can think of some women who to my mind look absolutely stunning with their hair shorn. Natalie Portman who shaved her head for her part in 'V for Vendetta', Sinead O' Connor who looked both militant and awkward and Demi Moore for her part in the film 'G.I. Jane'.

To me none of these women's sexuality was compromised, if anything their shorn locks added to their allure. So if you are still not convinced that being bald can be attractive, then the wearing of a wig could be the answer and the master of wig cutting is Trevor Sorbie.

With his 'My New Hair' network Trevor has helped several hundred women suffering from baldness through illness. 'Giving women back their hair -hair that looks natural, attractive and feminine gives them back a little of the confidence to face the world in their darkesthour'. Linzi Be use linck About the author:Columnist

Hair Loss Facts

Author: je Dunn Article:

There are many reasons for hair loss but in 95% of the cases the cause is what is called male or female pattern hairloss. The technical term for pattern baldness is Androgenetic Alopecia.

In this day and age hair loss is a very common problem not only among males but among females as well. While it is no picnic for men the effects of hair loss on women has greater psychologicaland social implications. So What Can Be Done About Hair Loss? Food for hair! The same foods that are good for your health are good for your hair.

There are other popular treatments like using Ginko biloba this may help because it is designed to improve the circulation to the scalp. Also try rinsing your hair in a mix of cider vinegar and sage tea once or twice a week.

As with any condition, diagnosing the cause is the first step intreatment. Hair loss can also be affected by taking medications like the birth control pill, blood thinners, or even anti fungal drugs. If the hair loss is due to medication, then there may be adifferent medication that could be prescribed.

Once you understand what is happening to your hair, then seek out the right hair loss solution. Hair loss may also be caused by various health conditions such as high cholesterol. No man or women need suffer form balding with the treatments Available today. Various common myths linked to female hair loss are that everyday washing and shampooing, and wearing of wigs and hat sall cause hair loss.

In addition, rumors flourish that permanents, coloring, and other cosmetic treatments can cause permanent hair loss. Many people waste a lot of time and money trying to cure their hair loss because of the many myths that abound about the subject of hair loss. Some of the more widespread hair loss myths are: Male Pattern Baldness comes from the mother's side of the familyand skips a generation.

Not So. Genetically caused baldness is passed down from both the male and female sides of the family. Coloring, hair spray or excessive washing can cause baldness. Again Not True. If it were most teenagers would be bald by the age of 20! What about the wearing of wigs and hats? No this also is Not True. People base this myth on thepremise that covering the head will prevent oxygen from getting to the scalp and thus cause the hair to die and fall out.

It doesn't, and most people wear hats and wigs to disguise the fact that they are already losing hair. There are many urban legends out there about hair loss which often makes it often hard to tell fact from fiction.

Hair loss prevention is one of those topics that tend to attractold wives tale-type solutions. The facts are if your hair lossis not hereditary, you may have some options available to you to avert hair loss before it begins. When there isn't a treatment that will cure this problem,prevention is the next best thing. About the author:For more simple commonsense healthy living tips visit us at Healthy Living Online Magazine Hair Loss Facts

What Causes Hair Loss?

Author: D.J. Verret, MD

Article:There are many different causes of hair loss all with different treatments. We will cover the more common causes below. The most common cause of hair loss, or alopecia, is often referred to asmale patterned baldness.

More appropriately, this condition istermed androgenic alopecia, and can affect women as well as men.Twenty five percent of men aged 25 years have some degree of clinically apparent androgenic alopecia and over 40% of men will develop androgenic alopecia at some point in their life.

Androgenic alopecia results from progressive shortening of the anagen cycle, the part of the hair cycle responsible for hairgrowth, with resultant decreased time for hair growth. Hair loss usually begins with the front oparietal scalp and then the vertex. Female-pattern baldness is similar but more diffuse,without complete baldness and maintaining the anterior hairline.

Fortunately hairs on the sides and back of the scalp are androgen-independent and thus do not suffer from androgenicalopecia - it is these hairs which are used for hair transplants and why hair transplants last. Androgenic alopecia is genetically determined and its development is related to age andpresence of hormones and the corresponding receptors.

The second most common form of alopecia is alopecia areata. This form of hair loss results in rapid loss of hair in circular or oval patches. It may be episodic or persistent. There is no definite reason why alopecia areata develops, but there is agenetic predisposition, and popular opinion favors an auto immunedisorder.

Alopecia areata only affects 0.1% of people. Approximately 3 months after surgery, child birth, crash dieting,other stressful events, hair can enter an extended resting cycle referred to as telogen effluvium. Usually <50% of the scalp is affected and recovery is complete once the triggering event isresolved.

A wide range of medications can cause hair loss. The most widelyknown are chemotherapy drugs but other more common drugs including blood thinners and Vitamin A can cause hair loss.After taking the medications, hair growth is abruptly interrupted and growing hairs are shed after 1-4 weeks. Thisform of hair loss rapidly affects 80-90% of the scalp butcomplete recovery can be expected once the medication is stopped. Certain infections can cause hair loss.

Children may have hairloss caused by a fungal infection of the scalp. The infection is easily treated with antifungal medicines. Hair loss may occur aspart of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated.

Finally, tightly pulling hair can cause hair loss. People whowear pigtails or use tight hair rollers can pull the hair and cause traction alopecia. If the pulling is stopped beforescarring of the scalp develops, the hair will grow backnormally. However, scarring can cause permanent hair loss.

Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in permanents may cause inflammation (swelling) of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and hair loss. D.J. Verret, MD Facial Plastic & Reconstructive About the author:Dr. Verret is a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon inPlano, TX. He specializes in facial rejuvenation and hair restoration.

3 Proven Methods to Stop Male Pattern Baldness

Author: Charlie Miller

Male pattern baldness
is a rising problem for many men experiencing this problem. Male pattern baldness is also called male hair loss because it is the most common type of hair loss in men. Most men who usually have this aren't fully aware whatwill happen over time. Many bald men have become bald afterexperiencing hair loss over time. Male hair loss can be stopped by taking the most effective measures. Here are 3 ways to stop male pattern baldness.

1. Drink a lot of water.

This is the easiest way to slow down the process. Water helps clear out toxins and impurities from your system that slows down your hair growth. Drinking at least a gallon of water a day(about 8 cups of water) helps your body warm up to stop male pattern baldness.

2. Follow a High protein diet.

Remember that hair itself is made of protein. Make sure you getin at least 1g of protein a day for your body weight. If you're 150lbs, you should take in at least 150g of protein a day. Many men aren't aware how to take in that much protein a day. You can get this amount in easily by eating ground beef, chickenbreasts, tuna and fish. You need all the EFAs (Essential fattyacids) and natural oils (like Flax seed and Fish oils) you canget to slow down hair loss. Eat clean meats, not fatty beef fromjunk food. Avoid alcohol, sugars and bad fats because they can slow down hair regrowth. Your aim is to maximize your hair regrowth speed in your body.

3. Get a working hair regrowth product.

Remember to get something that works because hair regrowth is a serious issue. You don't want to contaminate your body with dangerous chemical ingredients that don't work and can bepotentially harmful to your long term health. Make sure theproducts you choose to get actually have no side effects because you don't want to use unnatural, chemical ingredients on your hair; you want to give them the natural refreshment they need.

A frequently used drug from hair loss is finasteride. Also called propecia, this medicine is for people with genetic predisposition for hair loss. The side effects of using this drug include premature ejaculation, impotence, erectile dysfunction and lower sex drive. This is a big problem for men,because no man wants to sacrifice those benefits for hair regrowth. There are products that will help you regain your hair and keep your sexual health.

About the author:One such product is Profinast, an herbal alternative to the chemical drug Finasteride. I recommend this one because it doescontain safe ingredient as it claims on its website, and it hasno side effects. Its very affordable too and is very powerful instopping hair loss. click here if you're interested in regrowing your hair, without side effects.

Avoiding Hair Loss

Title: Avoiding Hair Loss Author: Tony Robbins Article:One of the major worries for people over the ages has been the loss of hair as hair is closely associated with the beauty of an individual.

People resort to all kinds of things to hide their not so glamorous scalp including buying wigs and exotic potions!In order to solve this problem effectively we first need to knowabout what exactly causes hair loss and then move on to findremedies to prevent it. Studies have shown that the most commonreasons for hair loss of men come from hormone related or fromgenetic factors.

The major culprit for hair loss in men seems to be the hormonecalled DHT(dihydrotestostrone). As the level of this hormoneincreases in the body, the hair loss pattern also catapults highup resulting in the thinning of hair leading to eventualpermanent damage of the hair follicles. This develops thedreaded syndrome of balding and robs an otherwise positive manof his confidence.

In women too, this testosterone derivatehormone DHT plays havoc and leads to hairloss even though theresults might not be as extreme as the ones seen in men. In thecase of women, two more factors accentuate hair loss. The firstone is triggered off by a traumatic situation in her life,disturbing the normal hair growth pattern and is called TelogenEffluvium. There is a general thinning of hair in this case.

Another major condition which seems to be promoting hair loss inwomen is Alopecia Areata. In this rare condition, there is lossof hair in patches not only from the scalp but also from variousother body parts. Thankfully, there is a wide variety of hairloss remedies available to prevent hair loss. One of the oldest remedies for hair loss is massaging of thescalp. It has been tried, tested and proved to stimulate hairfollicles when done for a few minutes on a regular basis.

Oilingthe scalp is not such a bad idea either! Coconut, olive andjojoba oils have been found to have hair nourishing and growthpromoting properties. Also, keeping the head cool and periodicwashing with cold or lukewarm water is recommended. Thesignificance of good nutrition can never be overlooked as thequality of hair depends heavily on our diet. The presence of abalanced diet with ample amount of minerals, fats and proteinsis the key to lustrous and glamorous hair.

Raw Palmetto extractalso helps to avoid the problem of hair loss by lowering the DHTlevels in the body and prevents hair loss. Another potion that has proved to be beneficial to hair is AloeVera extract. It reduces the pH level and preserves our hair. Itis recommended to apply Aloe Vera on the scalp regularly to gainthe desired effect.

One of the latest remedies found isPolysorbate-80 it also believed to decrease the level of DHTpreventing hair loss. As you can see, it is important to keepthe body clean from inside as well as outside in order toprevent hair loss. To maintain splendid hair, regulardetoxification activities should be carried out.

All activitiesand exercises also help to maintain hair in good condition asthey improve the distribution of oxygen in the body and bloodcirculation. And remember that it is much easier to maintainyour hair in good condition rather than restoring it after beinglost.

About the author:Tony Robbins is a Fitness & Health expert. Propecia 1 mgand Propecia 5mg can help you to treat hair loss.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

men hair loss cause?

Being a man can be tough at times. You have the whole daily shaving regimen, everyone expects you to be financially successful, and then there's the burden of men hair loss cause. This one is a doozy! Now it doesn't really matter if you love your hair or groom it regularly. The odds say that you're still likely to lose the dew. In fact, over 65 percent of the male population grapples with dht hair loss at some point in their lives. This can begin as early as the teen years. Man would that stink to lose the head fuzz while in high school. That's way too soon! There must be a cure.

Welcome to a fresh millennium, men! There are infinite hair loss shampoo products and
hair loss remedy and hair loss pill gracing the market that can assist you with the dilemma of men hair loss and women hair loss. Probably two of the most common are Rogaine and Propecia. These are hair loss remedies that literally grow hair back. Unfortunately studies show that Rogaine is only successful for around 25 percent of users. That's sadly LOW. But, studies also show that much lies in the perspective. After testing a group of men, scientists were able to find that the men who thought they were being given a miracle product actually grew back hair. Even though the product was only a placebo. WOW, the mind is a powerful thing. Anyway, the future of men hair loss is not solely about growing hair back. It's also about hair loss prevention. What steps can you take to prevent your hair from thinning?

Think DHT! You're probably wondering what the heck is DHT? This nifty little acronym stands for Dihydrotestosterone blockers. Dihydrotestosterone is what testosterone turns into as we age. It excretes through the scalp and damages the hair follicles. Then once the hair falls out, the pore seals shut. This will lead to baldness fast. But, if you purchase a shampoo and conditioning system with DHT blockers, you can wash away that harmful dihydrotestosterone and leave your follicles healthy and vibrant. This is a massive breakthrough for men hair loss. In all honesty, it makes sense to use these products as soon as possible. Who cares if you're only 25! Begin using DHT defense now and prevent future hair loss. The earlier the better!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Hair Loss Treatment

Being a man can be tough at times. You have the whole daily shaving regimen, everyone expects you to be financially successful, and then there's the burden of men hair loss. This one is a doozy! Now it doesn't really matter if you love your hair or groom it regularly. The odds say that you're still likely to lose the dew. In fact, over 65 percent of the male population grapples with hair loss at some point in their lives. This can begin as early as the teen years. Man would that stink to lose the head fuzz while in high school. That's way too soon! There must be a cure.

Welcome to a fresh millennium, men! There are infinite hair loss products gracing the market and hair loss remedy that can assist you with the dilemma of men hair loss. Probably two of the most common are Rogaine and Propecia. These are hair loss remedies that literally grow hair back. Unfortunately studies show that Rogaine is only successful for around 25 percent of users. That's sadly LOW. But, studies also show that much lies in the perspective. After testing a group of men, scientists were able to find that the men who thought they were being given a miracle product actually grew back hair. Even though the product was only a placebo. WOW, the mind is a powerful thing. Anyway, the future of men hair loss is not solely about growing hair back. It's also about hair loss prevention. What steps can you take to prevent your hair from thinning?

Think DHT! You're probably wondering what the heck is DHT? This nifty little acronym stands for Dihydrotestosterone blockers. Dihydrotestosterone is what testosterone turns into as we age. It excretes through the scalp and damages the hair follicles. Then once the hair falls out, the pore seals shut. This will lead to baldness fast. But, if you purchase a shampoo and conditioning system with DHT blockers, you can wash away that harmful dihydrotestosterone and leave your follicles healthy and vibrant. This is a massive breakthrough for men hair loss. In all honesty, it makes sense to use these products as soon as possible. Who cares if you're only 25! Begin using DHT defense now and prevent future hair loss. The earlier the better!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

dandruff and hair loss

Health issues! Don't you think we have enough of these by now? Who in the world keeps inventing more and passing them out? That's what I want to know. They should have stopped before cancer ever came about. Nevertheless, this is not a reality we'll enjoy any time soon. In fact, more will surely come as time moves on. They always do. And then there are the simpler afflictions. The ones that have been around from the beginning of time like dandruff and hair loss. These of course are more cosmetic and less dire. However, none of us want to deal with them regardless. They're pesky, confidence-corruptors and we want them banished.

Check out the hair product isle at your local drugstore. Chances are you will encounter more products than you could possibly know what to do with. Good luck choosing one that works for you. Especially if your concerns are dandruff and hair loss. Okay, so dandruff is not such a big deal. In reality there are simple and effective shampoos that get the job done and keep the condition in check. But, hair loss is a different matter. First of all, you have to know where your hair loss derives from. Well, it would at least be helpful if you did. Are we talking common male pattern baldness here or something related to malnutrition or stress? Ah ha, I'll bet the malnutrition one surprised you. Who'd have ever thought that a proper and well-balanced diet was so crucial to your appearance? Well it is! Get your vitamins and it will help significantly with your dandruff and hair loss issues. If you're wondering why diet is so important, it's simple. You have to nurture yourself from the inside out. What goes in, reflects on your exterior. Just take a gander at all the fast food freaks out there.

Fortunately for us there are oodles of treatments and potential remedies for dandruff and hair loss now days. We should all feel lucky to have such great science and products at our disposal. 50 years ago a man could not see his doctor for Propecia or Rogaine. However, now you can find some of these medications for dandruff and hair loss in your local drugstore.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Top Hair Loss Treatments for This Summer

What can be utilized to stop hair loss this summer? You should not use any of the artificial hair loss treatment products available in the market if you want to keep your hair shiny and natural. Fortunately, there are lots of effective drugs and natural hair loss treatments available for both men and women. However, it is recommended that you consult a physician if you want to use drugs to stop hair loss. Here is a list of some pharmaceutical drugs and natural elements listed that have helped to stop hair loss without any side effects:

Propecia: Propecia is mainly helpful for frontal hair loss treatment. To prevent Alopecia, propecia has proved to be an excellent drug. It starts working with in 5 days and you can feel the gradual decrease of your hair loss. In some cases of frontal hair loss, Propecia has successfully regrown hair. This drug inhibits formation of DHT, which is the main cause of hair loss.

Rogaine: Rogaine is a FDA approved hair loss treatment. It is mainly effective on females. Minoxidil or Rogaine are helpful in case of high blood pressure. You can even order Rogaine online. Rogaine has not shown any side effects so far.

Natural hair loss treatment: the cause of male hair loss can be a genetic disorder related to a male hormone deficiency and DHT secretion in the hair follicles and scalp. Natural hair loss treatment is helpful in this particular case. You can use saw palmetto oil to stop hair loss.

Balanced diet: you should include vitamin B5 in your diet, which is an important factor to stop hair loss. You should also include folic acid, biotin and silica in your diet. You can use vitamin and mineral supplements as an alternative. You must increase copper intake in your diet because it has been found that copper is helpful in maintaining hair health stopping hair loss. Try to minimize zinc intake, as it is harmful for your hair.

Find the best hair loss information and treatments only on []The latest research on male hair loss and more – hairloss source. All about Hair loss on

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Understanding The Causes Of Hair Loss

It is normal to lose some hair each day. The body re-grows hair to restore the hair loss. Nearly 10% of the hair follicles on the scalp remain in dormant phase after hair fall. After 2 to 3 months the dormant hair follicles grow new hair. The growing phase of the hair follicle lasts for 2 to 6 years in the scalp. The approximate hair growth in a month is about 1 centimeter. Hair loss occurs when an excessive amount of hair is lost. Hair loss can affect men, women, and children.

Causes of hair loss: There are a number of causes of hair loss. The common causes are:

Infection: Fungal infections can cause hair loss. They are easily treated with topical medicines.

Hormones: For men baldness is usually caused due to hormones. Hair loss may occur due to an overactive or under-active thyroid gland. Changes in androgen and estrogen level can cause a hair loss in both men and women. Hormone/ Steroid injections are usually given to correct hormonal imbalance.

Illness: Prolonged illness, major surgery, stress, can result in hair loss in large amounts. Temporary illnesses generally do not cause hair loss. Hair loss may also occur due to diseases, such as lupus or diabetes. It is important to find the cause of hair loss and get adequate treatment because hair loss is an early sign of disease.

Pregnancy: Hair loss in women may occur after child birth. Such hair loss occurs after 3 to 4 months delivery. This is because of high level of hormonal changes during and after pregnancy. This type of hair loss is self correcting and new hair usually grow back.

Medicines: Some medicines can cause hair loss such as anticoagulants used for treatment of gout, chemotherapy used to treat cancer, over consumption of vitamin A, antidepressant medicines, and birth control pills.

Find more about Hair Loss on . More useful content on LeanderNet -

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New Hair Loss Products

There are many new hair loss products, which are launched. Hair loss products could be allopathic, ayurvedic, homeopathic etc. The latest news on hair loss is that the demand for hair loss products is growing at a fast pace.

There are many new hair treatments and products available, which help in hair growth and prevent hair loss. The most effective hair loss products are Regaine, Propecia and Dutasteride, which are prescribed by dermatologists. You should not buy hair loss products by yourself. You should consult a dermatologist before buying any hair loss product as they help you by prescribing the best hair loss products for your type of hair.

Losing hair is common nowadays due to stress, pollution etc. There is continuous research going on to develop new hair loss products. Latest news on hair products and hair treatment is available on many websites. According to clinical trials conducted in 2004, hair cloning or hair manipulation could be the next big thing in hair restoration.

There are lots of hair loss products available on the internet which can be purchased, but consulting a dermatologist would help a lot. There are lots of new hair loss products like hair shampoos, hair oils, hair growth pills etc. These products help in hair growth and prevent hair fall. By massaging hair oil on the scalp the hair, which is not strong enough, could fall and new hair would grow. People prefer medication rather than surgery and the strides being taken in hair loss medicine research is phenomenal.

To learn more visit

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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Symptoms Of Hair Loss In Women

By Leslie Williams

It usually starts innocently enough. One or two strands in your drain, maybe a little extra in your hairbrush in just the beginning. These are the signals at the start of hair loss. Before you know it, the drain is clogged and you feel like you’re shedding every time you brush your hair. Hair loss is a big issue for anyone, but for a woman it can be downright devastating.

Your hair shaft is made of keratin, which is a kind of protein made by your body. In reality, your hair is dead tissue, like your nails and your skin. But, that doesn’t mean it should fall off like nails and dead skin!

However, some hair loss is natural: it is ok to lose between 50-200 strands per day, dependent on your own personal chemistry. This might seem like a lot, but keep in mind that your head has over 100,000 hairs on it. Each of these 100,000 hairs stays on your head anywhere from 1 year to 7 years, and grows about ¼- ½ inch per month during many of those years.

Natural hair loss occurs when your hair falls out at a point when it has exhausted its life span, but a big issue occurs when this hair that leaves your head naturally is then replaced by hair that is weaker, thinner, smaller and doesn’t grow as well.

This thinner hair leaves obvious open areas on your scalp, interfering with the natural lay and style of your hair. This is the definition of thinning hair. In women, thinning of the hair is the most common form of hair loss. However, advanced hair loss, such as patchy baldness, is also a problem. We will look at some of the causes of both kinds of hair loss in the next chapter.

About 25% of all women are prone to some kind of hair loss by middle age, mostly occurring at age 40 and above. But, that doesn’t mean that hair loss can’t or won’t begin for younger women. Some women, even as young as age 20, experience hair loss. Loss or thinning at this young of age is often caused by the hormonal changes such as those that occur in pregnancy. This is also visited in the next chapter.

While women lose hair due to different causes than men, they also lose it in different ways than men do. As described above, women are more likely to experience an overall thinning effect, as opposed to the bald spots and receding hairline that men have to deal with. Overall thinning is called female pattern baldness.

What are the differences in hair loss causes between men and women? First, women can start to notice a loss or thinning as early as age 25-30. Female pattern baldness begins with the hair becoming thinner all around, as opposed to a receding hairline that men experience. The hair not only thins out overall, but each individual hair can become thinner, too. The most common area for women to start notice female hair loss is right where they part their hair at the top of their head. Overall, the symptoms of female hair loss are fairly apparent. Hair on too many places beside your head!

At you can download a free report that explains the chemistry, issues and possible causes of hair loss, specifically female hair loss. Here I’ll discuss some of the symptoms of hair loss.

About the Author: Leslie Williams is the creator of HairChi™ a natural hair loss treatment developed especially for women. To find out more about how you can address hair loss visit and download the free report “5 Days to Healthier Hair Growth, Thickness and Strength!"

Female Hair Loss: The Role Of Stress And Hormones

By Leslie Williams

Most of us are well aware of that the amount of stress that we are faced with has steadily increased for decades. Women especially are juggling many roles both at work and at home. At times, a sudden loss or thinning of hair may be attributed to stress or a single traumatic experience.

When exploring the possible causes of your hair loss, consider what kinds of things have happened to you in the last 12 weeks. Have you been through a divorce? Has a loved one pass away? Been recently unemployed or started a new job? You should think back three months when considering these questions.

This is because it often takes this long for your hair’s health to react to a stressful experience. Keep this time frame in mind when considering other factors, too. For example, were you perhaps diagnosed and treated for a recent illness within the last 12 weeks? Did you start a new medication in the past three months? In regard to stress-induced thinning hair thinning, since the stressor was short term, the result of the stressor may also be short term.

Another element to consider in hair loss and thinning is hormones. One hormone that plays a major part in hair loss is testosterone. Women typically have a low level of testosterone present in the body. When testosterone works on another hormonal substance called DHT, balding and thinning occurs. DHT is considered an androgen. If the androgens such as DHT or testosterone increase, then things such as hair thinning can happen.

Is your thyroid causing your hair loss? Thyroid disorders include an under-active thyroid – hypothyroidism or an overactive thyroid resulting hyperthyroidism. Either of these imbalances can cause hair loss. Thyroid issues are increasingly thought to be an issue in perimenopause and menopause. Thyroid issues may be diagnosed with a blood test. However, sometimes thyroid issues may exist even though test results appear normal. Finding a Dr. who treats thyroid issues based on symptoms may be an option in this case.

Also, as you get older, your hair ages too. As you age, your hair’s resting stages may last longer. This resting stage, which is the time when your hair doesn’t grow, is usually relatively short, but in the later stages of your life, it becomes longer and longer…all the while your hair seems to be staying one length and not getting longer! At the end of the resting stage, your hair usually falls out and is replaced. But, older hair is likely to fall out sooner and take even longer to be replaced, if at all.

Following are a multitude of tests that physicians may employ in order to understand and treat the cause of your thinning or hair loss. Although many of these tests will come back as inconclusive, or even completely normal, it is important to realize that diagnosis are often made by eliminating other causative factors.

.Iron levels
.Iron binding ability (TIBC test)
.Hormone levels
.VDRL (to detect the STD syphilis)
.Blood levels (CBC)
A scalp biopsy- a tiny part of your scalp is pulled and
examined under a microscope.
.Hair pull- the physician pulls a strand of hair to test how many come loose)
.Densitometry- a small magnifier is used to closely examine the hair shaft

There are obviously multiple causes of female hair loss and thinning. At you can download a free report that explains the chemistry, issues and possible causes of female hair loss, along with healthy and natural tips to address this problem.

About the Author: Leslie Williams is the creator of HairChi™ a natural hair loss treatment developed especially for women. To find out more about how you can address hair loss visit to download the free report “5 Days to Healthier Hair Growth, Thickness, and Strength!"

The Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

By Leslie Williams

Female hair loss can be devastating and stress and disbelief are often the first feelings that come as a result of this problem. Hopefully, after this first reaction, you are ready to move toward finding and applying the right solution. But you can’t fix the problem until you can find the cause.

Losing your hair may be a short-term reaction to something new in your environment or a stress-related event, or, it may be an affliction that is more permanent.

In order to determine the degree of your particular thinning or loss of hair, the matter will need to be fully explored in relation to your overall health. If the cause of your hair loss is easily found, than often there may be an equally easy fix to your problem. However, if you hair loss is the result of a problem that is difficult to determine, then the cure may also be that much more difficult to ascertain. This sort of ambiguity can be very difficult for victims of hair loss to deal with.

In order to understand the cause of your thinning or loss, you need to understand how your hair grows. In a healthy state, your hair should not follow any kind of growth pattern. In fact, this is what causes it to look thick and healthy; all the individual shafts follow their own individual growing and shedding pattern. However, some things can cause hair to grow in a synchronous manner- meaning your strands will get on the same schedule. They will grow at the same time, and they will fall out at the same time. This causes obvious thinning and/or bald spots. It isn’t healthy, and it doesn’t reflect a healthy head of hair.

To understand why you hair is falling out or thinning, you may first need to understand Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a kind of chemical in your body that is a part of testosterone. Testosterone becomes DHT and works negatively on the root of your hair when certain adverse conditions exist. DHT comes to play mostly in male- or female- pattern baldness, which is a specific type of hair loss that we will address below.

Hair loss is almost always a symptom of something else that has gone awry in your physical health. Generally, your hair, except for natural hair loss, will stay where it belongs unless an ailment or event causes it to fall out. These ailments or causes can range, from trauma, to medications, to stress, to a simple gene that you inherited from one of your parents!

A Hair Loss Diagnosis

The following are the most common types of diagnosed hair loss.
Alopecia areata: This is the name given to hair loss that occurs in small, isolated patchy areas. It is often the type of hair loss that is associated with thyroid disease.

Androgenetic alopecia: This is just a fancy name for male or female pattern baldness. This particular baldness is caused by DHT, discussed above.

Female androgenetic alopecia: This is the female-specific version of the above. However, the female version is more likely to lead to overall thinning versus patchy area hair loss. Your genetics could be to blame if you suffer from this type of hair loss.
Telogen effluvium: This is the name given to stress-related hair loss. For example, the excessive shedding of hair following childbirth could be classified under this particular diagnosis. This event usually occurs 2-6 months after childbirth. Hair loss due to poor nutrition or traumatic events is also a result of this specific diagnosis, but sometimes this is a chronic, ongoing affliction.
Anagen effluvium: This is classified as hair loss that results from damage to the follicle, and is most often the result of cancer treatments.

Traction alopecia: True to its name, this form of alopecia is the result of pulling or tugging on the hair follicle, which can be caused by excessive styling like extensions and braiding.

At you can download a free report that explains the chemistry, issues and possible causes of hair loss, specifically female hair loss, and provides steps to a healthier head of hair in just days.

Obviously there are many medical causes for female hair loss. But to address this problem you must also consider reasons such as stress, poor diet, hormonal and thyroid issues. You can find a complete report about all of the issues of female hair loss at

About the Author: Leslie Williams is the creator of HairChi™ a natural hair loss treatment developed especially for women. To find out more about how you can address hair loss visit and download the free report “5 Days to Healthier Hair Growth, Thickness and Strength!"

Monday, September 3, 2007

medical hair restoration

Many individuals will go to great lengths to look beautiful. Some will even take the risk of going under the knife. It's funny when I think about this. To me surgery always sounds like something we all should dread, and yet some folks pay to have it done for simple cosmetic reasons. Often when it's truly not needed. Well, one aspect of our appearances that always seems to come up is hair. While many people are relentlessly changing their's, whether it be cut, color or style, other folks are struggling to keep their's in tact. This has been an issue since the beginning of time. The only difference between way back then and now is; we have much better medical technology. With treatments, special products and medical hair restoration, we can get our hair back, and keep it.

I am one of those guys who will not resort to extreme measures for my head follicles. Sure, they're great, and I do love having hair. However, if I cannot manage to keep my dew with some simple topical treatments or herbal supplements, I will have to wave goodbye to the hair. I am simply not interested in medical hair restoration via surgery. This is a bit too much. The only way I wish to go under the scalpel is if my life depends on it. Fortunately there are other options available. If you're anything like me, you began pondering the notion of hair loss before it ever began. This isn't difficult to do. Not with all the hair loss hype on ads and commercials for medical hair restoration. Heck, just seeing my father without hair the entire time I was growing up was enough for me. I started wondering if I was going to lose my dew. Luckily for me, I have kept it thus far. No changes yet, but now that I've hit 30, I can imagine they're coming. This is what turned me onto contemporary hair maintenance products such as MIN New York. These handy treatments stifle the male pattern baldness issue. They simply contain something called DHT blockers and a few other natural remedies for hair loss prevention. Keep the hair you have!

Seeing a professional regarding hair loss, medical hair restoration, and hair loss prevention treatments is a wise choice. Find out what you can do to keep all the hair you have, and possibly get some back if need be. Maybe medical hair restoration is right for you or maybe some topical medications will suffice.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hair Loss Remedies - Nurse's Report On Conventional And

Author: Helen Hecker

The statistics today show that most men have a 50% chance of experiencing hereditary hair loss by their 50th birthday. Female and male pattern baldness varies from population to population based on the genetic background of the individual. The severity of baldness can vary quite a bit. It ranges from the common male pattern alopecia, alopecia areata, which involves the loss of some of the hair on the head, and alopecia totalis, which involves the loss of all the head hair, to the most extreme form, alopecia universalis, which involves the loss of all hair from the head and the entire body.

Fungal infections of the scalp can cause some hair loss in children but is easily treated with anti-fungal medicines, try to find the natural kind. If the thyroid gland is overactive, as in Grave's Disease or is underactive, hair may fall out. And treating the thyroid disease will help remedy this. One less common type of baldness is called traction alopecia, which is most commonly found in people with ponytails or cornrows who pull on their hair with too much force.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder also called "spot baldness" that can result in hair loss ranging from one area to every hair on the whole body. Tumors and skin growths can also cause a localized baldness. And correcting a hormone imbalance may help prevent further hair loss too.

Traumas such as chemotherapy, childbirth, major surgery, poisoning, and extreme stress may cause a less common hair loss condition known as telogen effluvium. If a medication is causing your hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different drug or you may find you really don't need it at all. And hair loss can happen as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes.

Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil, called Rogaine in the U.S. and outside the U.S. as Regaine, are drugs that have been reported as having shown some success in partially reversing loss but one needs to consider carefully the side effects. Be aware there are side effects and serious side effects sometimes with the hair loss drugs that are usually used.

Propecia is available with a prescription only and comes in the form of a pill. It's for men only and may take up to six months before one can tell if it's working or not. Products for hair loss include: shampoos, shampoos with conditioners, conditioners, lotions, creams, concealers, thinning-hair shampoos, laser combs, laser brushes, the Lasertron Hair Growth Brush, herbal based products, chemical based pills or tablets, Nizoral shampoo, Neutrogena T-Gel, and many, many others.

Immunosuppressant drugs that are applied to the scalp have been shown to temporarily reverse alopecia areata, though the side effects of some of these drugs make this therapy highly questionable. And serious stress reduction can be very helpful in slowing down hair loss. The surgical methods used include hair transplants, whereby hair-producing follicles are taken from the back and sides of the head and used in the bald or thinning areas.

There are many natural home remedies and many recipes for making solutions that can be applied to the scalp. The raw onion remedy for hair loss: take half of a raw onion and massage the scalp with it then cover the area overnight, then shampoo and rinse the scalp in the morning. For an unusual remedy, some swear it works: try the fingernail buffer for hair loss. Three times a day or so, for about five minutes, buff your fingernails on your right hand with the fingernails of your left hand.
This remedy is supposed to stop hair loss, encourage new hair growth and prevent the hair from graying. Another remedy: massage the scalp with the fingers daily.

Another remedy: massage the scalp each nigh with one part rosemary oil and two parts almond oil. The vodka and cayenne remedy (be careful if you try it (test on the skin first for sensitivity) - mix one jigger of vodka with a half teaspoon of cayenne and rub it on the scalp. Blood is supposed to rush to the hair follicles that are stimulated by the vodka and cayenne pepper. For the olive oil and rosemary remedy, use equal amounts of olive oil and oil of rosemary then combine them in a bottle, shake vigorously, massage into the scalp, put on a cap and shampoo the next morning.

The onion juice and raw honey remedy: prepare a hair-growing elixir by combining 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of raw honey, and then massage the scalp with the mixture every day.

And finally, Polygonum Multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure for hair loss. And whether the plant itself is useful or not, the general safety and quality control for herbs imported from China can be very questionable these days.

And try massaging the scalp every day. Getting good circulation to the scalp is very important.

Keep in mind that hair loss should be continually treated, preferably with a natural approach however. If you stop losing hair after trying any of the natural treatments, you may find that you need to continue if you start losing hair again. Hair loss treatments and remedies can be free, low cost or expensive. The natural treatments are generally relatively inexpensive. And it's important to find out exactly what is causing your hair loss problem in order to choose the right approach for you. And concentrate on giving the immune system a boost with a natural plant food diet to give your hair the best chance to regrow.

For more information on hair loss remedies and hair loss products go to a nurse's website specializing in hair loss treatments, causes and resources for men, women and children including information on hair transplants and hair loss natural treatments