Monday, December 31, 2007

Normal Hair Loss Hair Loss During Puberty Normal

I hope you find this information on Normal Hair Loss informative and useful to your needs and helps you with your problem

If you have hair falling out, you may be trying to decide what is normal hair loss and what is not. This can be tricky, and it may depend on how much attention you are paying to the problem. You may be surprised to know is hair loss during puberty normal. That you lose a lot of hair each day, and that this is completely normal, though some notice it more than others. What you notice will depend on the color, length, and texture of your hair. You can’t pay attention to what might be normal hair loss for others; you just have to keep an eye on what yours is doing to decide what is normal for you.

There is a running joke about my hair, but it’s almost not even a joke. It’s the truth. Once you have been near me, it is a good chance you will find pieces of hair in your car, home, or on your clothes for some months to come. This is a result of my natural hair loss, but it seems more pronounced because of what my hair looks like. I have long, naturally curly, blond hair. Once it gets on you or anything else, you notice it. I had a friend call me once to tell me she found one of my hairs in her car. This was six months after our last meeting. It’s that amazing hair loss normal?

For most people, normal hair loss means losing about a hundred hairs in one day. That may seem like a lot, but these hairs are replaced by new growth each day as well. This is why you find a lot of short hairs on your head if you have very long hair. For normal hair loss, the hair just falls out and you are on your way without even knowing it happened. Though someone may find your hair somewhere, for the most part it falls to the ground and no one even notices normal daily hair loss.

I have normal hair loss, but there are times when I wonder. The problem I have is that I have natural curls. When the hair falls out it tends to get caught in my hair. When I run my fingers through my hair, they all come out at once and it looks like nothing even close to normal hair loss. Because they all stayed put due to my curls I must brush or use my fingers to get rid of it. It looks like a lot at one shot, but it simply my normal hair loss. I worried about it quite a bit until I realized that I was far from bald, no matter how much hair came out at once. In fact, I have quite a thick head of hair.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Nurse's Guide To Hair Loss Facts Tips And Treatments

Author: Helen Hecker

First some interesting bits of trivia: the word alopecia originated
from the Greek word meaning fox; the origin comes from the fact that the
fox sheds its coat twice a year. And statistics show that most men have
a 50% chance of experiencing hereditary hair loss by their 50th
birthday .The typical average hair loss actually amounts to about 100 strands
a day.

Some causes of hair loss include mycotic infections causing massive
hair loss, hypothyroidism, especially thinning of the outer third of the
eyebrows and some drugs or medications, which improves when you stop
taking the medicine. Medications that can cause hair loss include blood
thinners, gout medicines, chemotherapy drugs used for cancer,
supplementing with too much vitamin A, birth control pills and antidepressants.

Wearing a hat generally should not cause baldness, though it's a good
idea to give your scalp a rest and let it breathe for several hours
every day. Temporary loss of hair can occur in areas where sebaceous cysts
are present for one to several weeks. Poor digestion, parasites and
nutrient deficiencies such as iron or biotin deficiency shouldn't be
overlooked as possible causes also.

Now tumors and skin growths can also induce localized baldness. If the
thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, hair may fall out so
treating the underlying thyroid disease will help remedy this. And alopecia
areata is an autoimmune disorder also known as "spot baldness" that can
result in hair loss that ranges from just one area to every hair on
the body.

Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil (called Rogaine in the U.S and
elsewhere known as Regaine) are drugs that have reportedly shown some
success in partially reversing loss but one really has to consider the side
effects. Propecia is available with a prescription only comes in pill
form, is only for men, may take up to six months before you can tell if
it is working and you have to keep taking it. Immunosuppressants
applied to the scalp have been shown to temporarily reverse alopecia areata,
though the side effects of some of these drugs make this type of
therapy very questionable.

Surgery is another method but extreme method of reversing hair loss and
baldness. Hair loss remedies like treatments with prescription drugs
are long term commitments. Minoxidil is available without a prescription
and is for topical application, but one needs to consider its side

Hair loss treatments and remedies range widely in price from free to
expensive. Regular aerobic exercise can help keep the hormone androgen
levels naturally lower while maintaining overall health, lowering stress
and increasing SHBG. Studies done on subjects of various ages suggest
that weight training alone may increase testosterone in those studies where aerobic exercise only was compared to either weight training or a somewhat sedentary life.

Massage the scalp with slight pressure with the fingers daily. One
patient reported that he had used coconut oil on his hair and scalp for
about a year and during that time his hair became thicker and he had more
of it on the top of his head where he had been receding a little bit.
Coconut oil is good as a hair gel too. Make sure that you test remedies
on a small area first and check with your hair loss doctor or skin
doctor before trying any natural home remedy, especially if it includes
any irritating ingredients.

One home remedy is to massage the scalp nightly with a mixture made of
one part rosemary oil and two parts almond oil. Then there is the olive
oil and rosemary remedy for hair loss - before bedtime use equal
amounts of olive oil and oil of rosemary; combine them in a bottle, shake
vigorously, massage into the scalp, put on a shower cap and shampoo in
the morning. Saw Palmetto is an herbal DHT inhibitor often claimed to be
cheaper and have far fewer side effects than finasteride and

Beta Sitosterol, which is a constituent of many seed oils, can help to
treat BHP (benign prostatic hypertrophy) by lowering cholesterol
however consuming large amounts to get at small quantities of beta sitosterol
is likely to exacerbate male pattern baldness. Russian cure with honey
and vodka remedy - combine one tablespoon honey with one jigger of
vodka and the juice of a medium-size onion, then rub the mixture into the
scalp every night, cover with a cap and shampoo in the morning.

The onion juice and honey remedy: prepare a hair-growing mixture by
combining 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of honey then massage
the scalp with it every day. For something strange try the fingernail
buffer three times a day or so, for about five minutes. Buff your
right fingernails with the fingernails of your left hand; this is supposed
to stop hair loss, encourage hair growth and prevent hair from graying.
And polygonum multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure. Whether or
not the plant itself is useful, the general safety and quality control
of herbs imported from China can be quite questionable.

If you have any form of hair loss that causes you concern, make an
appointment with your doctor to discuss the treatment options available to
you for your particular condition and research natural remedies.
Treatment for alopecia can be slow and sometimes not very successful. The
more hair that's lost, the more you may have to work to get it back and
in some cases may not be able to, but try as many natural non-invasive
treatments and remedies as you possibly can. With extensive research,
reading ratings and reviews and reading testimonials from real people,
not paid actors, you may be able to find the right hair loss product,
treatment or remedy that'll work for you.

For more information on hair loss remedies and hair loss products go to
a nurse's website specializing in hair
loss treatments, causes and resources for men, women and children
including information on hair transplants and hair loss natural treatments