For a woman one of the most important features of her appearance is her hair. We’ve all suffered with bad hair days along with horrible haircuts. The bad hair day problem can usually be fixed with a ponytail or a hat, the bad haircut is more of a dilemma. If you’ve gotten a hair style that’s too short there are things you can to that may make your hair grow faster.
Having long flowing locks can seem like a far off dream to a woman sporting a short do. It takes months to get hair to grow even a bit, so finding something that helps to make your hair grow faster is worth considering. Every approach varies a little so it’s worth trying a few different things to see what results you achieve.
Most of us go for a trim every six weeks or so if we are happy with our current hairstyle. This keeps it looking in top condition. You may be surprised to know that if you want to make your hair grow faster getting frequent trims can actually help. You naturally don’t want to take off too much if you want to make your hair grow faster but a quarter of an inch or so every couple of weeks can really make a difference.
Some people claim that using hot rollers, a blow dryer or a curling iron damages their hair. This can lead to breakage which makes it difficult to maintain longer hair. If you want to make your hair grow faster consider foregoing the electric appliances at least a couple of times a week. Instead let your hair air dry naturally.
There are some vitamins and minerals which aid in helping both nails and hair grow. People who have thinning hair often look to this avenue. If you want to make your hair grow faster start taking a multi-vitamin each day. Most brands of