Article Title: Hair Loss Remedies - Finding The Right Hair Loss Remedy
For You
Author: Helen Hecker
The average typical loss of hair amounts to about 100 strands a day.
And the average human head has about 100,000 hair follicles. Each one of
these follicles can grow about 20 individual hairs during a person's
lifetime. Female or male pattern baldness varies from population to
population based on genetic background. It's important to understand the
cause of your hair loss before you undergo any hair loss remedy or
Some drugs or medications can actually cause hair loss, which improves
when you stop taking the medicine. Medications that can cause hair
loss include the blood thinners, medicines used for gout and gouty
arthritis, chemotherapy drugs used for cancer, too much vitamin A
supplementation, birth control pills and antidepressants. Hypothyroidism can cause
it, especially the thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows. Many
women notice hair loss about three months after they've had a baby.
During pregnancy, high levels of certain hormones cause the body to keep
hair that would normally fall out. So when the hormones return to
pre-pregnancy levels that hair falls out and the normal cycle of growth and
loss starts up all over again.
And some mycotic infections can cause massive hair loss. Fungal
infections of the scalp can cause it in children, which is usually easily
treated with antifungal medicines. About three or four months after an
illness or a major surgery, you can suddenly lose a large amount of hair
temporarily. This loss is related to the extreme stress of the illness.
Recognizing and properly treating an infection may help stop the loss.
If the thyroid gland is either overactive or underactive, hair may fall
out. However treating thyroid disease will remedy this. Poor
digestion, parasites and nutrient deficiencies such as iron or biotin
deficiency shouldn't be overlooked as possible causes.
There are prescription drugs, herbal remedies and topical applications
available for hair loss. Surgical methods used include hair
transplantation, whereby hair-producing follicles are taken from the back and
sides of the head and injected into bald or thinning areas, but this is
very expensive and requires several sessions. Try to go a more natural way
with treatment if possible. Taking drugs means many months of
exposure to chemicals causing side effects and possibly irreversible damage.
Minoxidil is a very expensive drug, which costs about one hundred
dollars per month for daily treatment. Very little testing has been done on
the long-term effects of Minoxidil on women. Surgery is another method
of reversing hair loss and baldness, although it should be considered
an extreme measure. There are both natural products and chemical-based
products for it.
Some of the products for hair loss include: shampoos, shampoos and
conditioners, conditioners, lotions, creams, concealers, thinning hair
shampoos, laser combs, laser brushes, the Lasertron Hair Growth Brush,
herbal based products, chemical based pills or tablets, Nizoral shampoo and
Neutrogena T-Gel. Stress reduction can be very helpful in slowing it
Polygonum Multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure or remedy for hair
loss. Whether or not the plant itself is useful, the general safety
and quality control of herbs imported from China is now questionable. And
saw Palmetto is an herbal DHT inhibitor often claimed to be cheaper
and have fewer side effects than either finasteride or dutasteride. And
unlike other 5alpha-reductase inhibitors, saw palmetto induces its
effects without interfering with the cellular capacity to secrete PSA
(protein specific antigen).
Garlic as a hair loss remedy - an hour before bedtime, slice open a
clove of garlic and rub it on the area of loss, wait for an hour and then
massage the scalp with olive oil, put on a cap, go to bed, shampoo your
hair in the morning, repeat for a few weeks, and hopefully hair will
stop falling out and regrowth will be evident.
One patient reported that he used virgin coconut oil on his hair and
scalp for a year. During that time his hair became thicker and he hade
more of it on the top of his head where he had been receding a bit.
It's good as a hair gel too. Some people lie on a slant board with their
heads down for about 15 minutes a day, but clear it with your doctor
first if you decide to try it.
The onion juice and honey remedy: prepare a hair-growing elixir by
combining 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of honey. Massage the
scalp with this mixture every day.
Resveratrol, from grape skins, is a lipase (relevant to the hair loss
process) and by decreasing the body's ability to absorb fat through the
intestinal walls, it reduces the total fat and calorie content of a
person's diet. Beta Sitosterol, which is a constituent in many seed oils,
can help to treat BHP (benign prostatic hypertrophy) by lowering
cholesterol. But consuming large amounts of it to get at small quantities of
beta sitosterol is likely to exacerbate male pattern baldness. So be
careful if you have BPH and are taking it.
The Asian remedy - rub sesame oil onto your scalp every night, cover
with a cap or old towel. In the morning wash with an herbal shampoo,
rinse with a solution of one tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar to one
quart of water.
The olive oil and rosemary remedy - use equal amounts of olive oil and
oil of rosemary. Combine them in a bottle, shake vigorously, massage
onto the scalp, put on a cap and shampoo in the morning.
Massage the affected scalp areas with the fingers each day. And raw
apple cider vinegar used as a hair rinse may stimulate hair growth.
Remember that any drugs you take for hair loss will be a long term
commitment. When they are stopped the hair loss returns. Make sure you
consider the risks to your health before doing this. If you experience
any form of loss that causes you concern, make an appointment with your
dermatologist, hair loss doctor or regular doctor to discuss the
treatment options available to you for your particular condition. It's
important to find out exactly what is causing your problem in order for you to
choose the right hair loss remedy or approach.
For more information on hair loss remedies and hair loss products go to
a nurse's website specializing in hair
loss treatments, causes and resources for men, women and children
including information on hair transplants and hair loss natural treatments