Monday, August 27, 2007

Natural Hair Loss Remedies: From Spinach To Stress Relief

One undeniable fact about the Baby Boomer generation is that
its members are approaching their retirement years. Another fact
is that they are one of the most health-conscious generations in
history, and highly invested in feeling and appearing young for
as long as they can.

But the male Baby Boomers, for all their desire to hang on to
youth, have not yet die themselves of that classic symptom of
aging, the receding hairline. And many of them have turned to
natural hair loss remedies in and attempt to turn back the

While there are two FDA-approved pharmaceutical treatments for
hair loss, Rogaine and Propecia, both of them have side effects
and many Boomers are inclined to treating all their ailments
with natural approaches when any are available. The natural hair
loss remedies do not have side effects when taken in the
recommended dosages; they do not require prescriptions; and they
will produce other health benefits while they are battling hair

Natural hair loss remedies have also been shown to perform
about as well as their more expensive prescription counterparts.
The most effective of them have an inhibiting effect in t he
body's production of DHT, a form of testosterone connected to
the development of male pattern hair loss. Spinach and walnuts
are two natural hair loss remedies rich in the omega fatty acids
known to limit DHT.

Essential Oils

A 1998 study at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in Scotland treated 86
sufferers of the autoimmune disease Alopecia Areata. The
condition caused partial or complete baldness in the study's
subjects; the 43 subjects, who received a two-minute scalp
massage with a mixture of essential oils of thyme, lavender,
rosemary, and cedarwood, mixed with jojoba and grapeseed oils
for seven months had 19, or 44% of the patients experience
significant re-growth of their hair.

The control group, who were massaged only with grapeseed and
jojoba oils, had only 6 patients re-grow their hair. Essential
oils, however, can cause severe allergic reactions in people
when they are used at full-strength, and their use as natural
hair loss remedies would have to be carefully monitored.

Saw Palmetto, which many Boomers are taking as a prostate
health supplement, lower the DHT levels, as do stinging nettle
and pygeum, an extract of evergreen tree bark; some natural hair
loss remedies have formulas combining all three. For more info
http://www.hairloss treatmentshelp. com/Solutions_ To_Hair_Loss_ In_Women
on solutions hair loss.


Hair loss, however, can occur for reasons other than aging and
genetics. People undergoing medical treatments-- cancer patients,
for example--may experience hair loss, as can those under severe
emotional stress. One small study of 21 alopecia areata
sufferers done in Brussels indicated that after three or four
hynotherapy session spaced three weeks apart, 12 patients had
some re-growth, and 9 patients had complete re-growth of their
lost hair. Hypnosis has yet to gain any footing as one of the
common natural hair loss remedies, but by treating the stresses
which underlie some hair loss may yet prove quite useful.

About The Author: You can also find more info on
http://www.hairloss treatmentshelp. com/Propecia_ Hair_Loss_ Treatment
on propecia hair loss and
http://www.hairloss treatmentshelp. com/Regrowth_ Hair_Loss_ Treatment
on regrowth hair loss. http://Hairlosstrea tmentshelp. com is a
comprehensive resource to know about Hair loss Treatme

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Your Hair Loss Treatment Options

Author: David Faulkner

Are you or someone close to you experiencing hair loss? If so,
there are many great options out there to assist with the
problem. This is not a new problem that people are experiencing,
but technology has lead to many more solutions to it. Many of
the hair loss treatments are very successful. Don't give up the
fight and settle with living without great hair.

While many hair loss treatments are effective, there are also
many out there that aren't going to work. While many of these
products vanish from the market over time, there are many more
waiting to take its place. Keep in mind that most hair loss
issues have a medical connection yet the treatments are
expensive and medical insurance won't cover the cost. This often
leads many individuals to seek out other options on the market.

The various hair loss treatments are available in a variety of
forms including topical solutions. Some of them work very well,
but those that do are expensive and that can affect your budget.
However, many people find this is a very worthwhile expense. Be
careful though not to become a victim of buying products that
don't come with a guarantee. For more info see
on natural hair loss

Over time, the cost of a particular hair loss treatment is
likely to drop. The problem is that they don't offer a permanent
solution so you continually have to purchase them. You can look
into various permanent hair loss solutions though including
laser treatments and surgeries. Not everyone is a good candidate
for these procedures though as it depends on the reasons why you
are experiencing hair loss. It is a good idea to discuss your
hair loss with your doctor. They can help you with a proper
diagnosis so that you can find the best possible treatment for

About The Author: You can also find more info on on male hair loss and
on hair loss shampoo. is a
comprehensive resource to know about Hair loss Treatment.
Nurse's Guide To Hair Loss Facts Tips And Treatments
Author: Helen Hecker

First some interesting bits of trivia: the word alopecia originated
from the Greek word meaning fox; the origin comes from the fact that the
fox sheds its coat twice a year. And statistics show that most men have
a 50% chance of experiencing hereditary hair loss by their 50th
birthday .The typical average hair loss actually amounts to about 100 strands
a day.

Some causes of hair loss include mycotic infections causing massive
hair loss, hypothyroidism, especially thinning of the outer third of the
eyebrows and some drugs or medications, which improves when you stop
taking the medicine. Medications that can cause hair loss include blood
thinners, gout medicines, chemotherapy drugs used for cancer,
supplementing with too much vitamin A, birth control pills and antidepressants.

Wearing a hat generally should not cause baldness, though it's a good
idea to give your scalp a rest and let it breathe for several hours
every day. Temporary loss of hair can occur in areas where sebaceous cysts
are present for one to several weeks. Poor digestion, parasites and
nutrient deficiencies such as iron or biotin deficiency shouldn't be
overlooked as possible causes also.

Now tumors and skin growths can also induce localized baldness. If the
thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, hair may fall out so
treating the underlying thyroid disease will help remedy this. And alopecia
areata is an autoimmune disorder also known as "spot baldness" that can
result in hair loss that ranges from just one area to every hair on
the body.

Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil (called Rogaine in the U.S and
elsewhere known as Regaine) are drugs that have reportedly shown some
success in partially reversing loss but one really has to consider the side
effects. Propecia is available with a prescription only comes in pill
form, is only for men, may take up to six months before you can tell if
it is working and you have to keep taking it. Immunosuppressants
applied to the scalp have been shown to temporarily reverse alopecia areata,
though the side effects of some of these drugs make this type of
therapy very questionable.

Surgery is another method but extreme method of reversing hair loss and
baldness. Hair loss remedies like treatments with prescription drugs
are long term commitments. Minoxidil is available without a prescription
and is for topical application, but one needs to consider its side

Hair loss treatments and remedies range widely in price from free to
expensive. Regular aerobic exercise can help keep the hormone androgen
levels naturally lower while maintaining overall health, lowering stress
and increasing SHBG. Studies done on subjects of various ages suggest
that weight training alone may increase testosterone in those studies
where aerobic exercise only was compared to either weight training or a
somewhat sedentary life.

Massage the scalp with slight pressure with the fingers daily. One
patient reported that he had used coconut oil on his hair and scalp for
about a year and during that time his hair became thicker and he had more
of it on the top of his head where he had been receding a little bit.
Coconut oil is good as a hair gel too. Make sure that you test remedies
on a small area first and check with your hair loss doctor or skin
doctor before trying any natural home remedy, especially if it includes
any irritating ingredients.

One home remedy is to massage the scalp nightly with a mixture made of
one part rosemary oil and two parts almond oil. Then there is the olive
oil and rosemary remedy for hair loss - before bedtime use equal
amounts of olive oil and oil of rosemary; combine them in a bottle, shake
vigorously, massage into the scalp, put on a shower cap and shampoo in
the morning. Saw Palmetto is an herbal DHT inhibitor often claimed to be
cheaper and have far fewer side effects than finasteride and

Beta Sitosterol, which is a constituent of many seed oils, can help to
treat BHP (benign prostatic hypertrophy) by lowering cholesterol
however consuming large amounts to get at small quantities of beta sitosterol
is likely to exacerbate male pattern baldness. Russian cure with honey
and vodka remedy - combine one tablespoon honey with one jigger of
vodka and the juice of a medium-size onion, then rub the mixture into the
scalp every night, cover with a cap and shampoo in the morning.

The onion juice and honey remedy: prepare a hair-growing mixture by
combining 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of honey then massage
the scalp with it every day. For something strange try the fingernail
buffer three times a day or so, for about five minutes. Buff your
right fingernails with the fingernails of your left hand; this is supposed
to stop hair loss, encourage hair growth and prevent hair from graying.
And polygonum multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure. Whether or
not the plant itself is useful, the general safety and quality control
of herbs imported from China can be quite questionable.

If you have any form of hair loss that causes you concern, make an
appointment with your doctor to discuss the treatment options available to
you for your particular condition and research natural remedies.
Treatment for alopecia can be slow and sometimes not very successful. The
more hair that's lost, the more you may have to work to get it back and
in some cases may not be able to, but try as many natural non-invasive
treatments and remedies as you possibly can. With extensive research,
reading ratings and reviews and reading testimonials from real people,
not paid actors, you may be able to find the right hair loss product,
treatment or remedy that'll work for you.

For more information on hair loss remedies and hair loss products go to
a nurse's website specializing in hair
loss treatments, causes and resources for men, women and children
including information on hair transplants and hair loss natural treatments

Thursday, August 23, 2007

causes hair loss

We all hate to contemplate the process of aging. In reality once we hit a certain age; we hate to think that we're constantly going to continue getting older. This is primarily due to the changes our bodies undergo. We typically get weaker, more prone to health problems, our vision weakens, our faces become mazes of lines and wrinkles, and often we lose our hair. Now, let's examine that last dilemma. This is probably the most difficult for men. Sadly it can start occurring at any time. Even as young as our high school years. But, what exactly causes hair loss and how can any of us prevent it? Fortunately more answers, treatments and solutions are becoming available.

Probably the number one cause of hair loss is genetics. Surely you've heard of male patter baldness. A whopping 66 percent of us face the wrath of this cosmetic affliction. We start to lose our dews simply because it's part of the aging process. Something called dihydrotestosterone excretes through the scalp and damages the hair follicles. Then once they fall out, the pore closes and no hair returns. YIKES! Obviously none of us want this happening to us. And this is why we seek out products that prevent such tragedies. If you haven't already seen them on the market, there are numerous shampoos and conditioners that help remedy this common problem that causes hair loss. Look for products with dihydrotestosterone blockers. Also known as DHT.
Just so you're aware, there are several other factors that cause hair loss in men and women. One of the major ones being stress. Again stress has proven to be one of our worst enemies. Hair loss is just another annoying way it can get the best of you. It basically boils down to your body being out-of-whack. This can affect the health of your dew and even turn it grey. I recommend a multivitamin to help you deal with stress. Furthermore, your diet is crucial. What you eat on a regular basis will always play a part in all aspects of your health. Be sure to adopt a healthy diet in order to keep your hair looking stellar. Lacking vitamins and minerals causes hair loss more than people generally know. So in the end, don't stress, use the right hair care products, and eat right to keep a healthy head of hair for many years to come.

Top Four Ways to Fight Hair Loss

Author: James Briggs

When it comes to treating hair growth problems, prevention is key.
Hair thinning is typically a result of genetics and is a good predictor of
who will lose their hair. Both men and women are affected by
premature balding and it can be a devastating experience for both.

Whether you are a man or woman, there is help. Herbal remedies and
prescription medications are available to help you with your hair growth
Slowing, stopping, and reversing balding are all achievable
goals with today's remedies.

Here are the top four ways to fight hair loss.

1.Scalp Massage

Scalp massage is an effective way to make sure that blood is
circulating throughout the scalp. Along with good nutrition and reducing sleep,
scalp massage can bring vital nutrients to hair follicles.

You should also use caution when using blow dryers. These can be drying
to the scalp and may accelerate hair thinning. Keep your scalp healthy
and free of gels, hair sprays, and other products that can clog your
hair follicles. Brush your hair with a natural bristle brush or use a
wide toothcomb. Always avoid over brushing your hair.

2.Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements are an important tool to use when fighting hair
growth problems. Herbal supplements can increase your immune system and
improve you circulation. This will help increase blood flow to your hair

Additionally, some herbal remedies will help block the hormone DHT.
DHT is believed to be the cause of genetic balding. By blocking DHT, you
will lower the risk of hair loss. Herbs that are known to block DHT
include, Saw Palmetto, Rosemary, Nettle, Horsetail, and Corn Silk. When
choosing herbal remedies, look for these ingredients.

3.Prescription Medication

Not only are there prescription medications prescribed to help fight
hair growth problems, some medications are the root cause. New
medications may cause hair thinning and should be stopped immediately. Speak to
your physician or health care provider and ask them to switch it at

Prescription medications that are used to treat baldness include
Rogaine (Minoxidil) and Propecia (Finasteride). These medications are very
effective and have been successful in both men and women. If you are
suffering balding, speak with your physician and ask if these medications
are a suitable option for you.

4.Laser Combs

Laser combs have been approved by the FDA and offer another choice in
the fight against hair thinning. Laser combs give a low dose of laser
therapy to the scalp. Treatment consists of using the comb for ten to
fifteen minutes per day.

Are you interested in a natural treatment for hair loss?
Check out our review for Provillus, a natural hair loss treatment.

Go to this page here:

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

pattern baldness?

Some of the basic and natural wonders of life are not so magical. The truth is that some of these things we could all do without. Take male and female pattern baldness for instance. No one wants this! None of us like to picture our future years without a full head of hair. Therefore you have to wonder why it's our sad and often depressing reality. Then again, there are much worse things. The good news is we don't have to take this particular affliction lying down. We can and will battle it every step of the way. Men and women have been doing so for years. The only difference is that now we have more knowledge and technology on our side.

It's supposedly not difficult for men to determine whether or not we will be afflicted with male pattern baldness? Simple take a look at your mother's father. If he kept his hair, then you will likely keep yours as well. That's genetics! However, there are other catalysts involved. Take stress for example. This is all on you. Nutrition is the same. It's completely up to you to eat right and keep the stress levels at a low point. Both can be achieved with the right diet and meditation. Of course if you are amongst the majority of men, who will be afflicted by male pattern baldness, you may want to consider more precautions. DON'T wait until half your hair falls out! At the first sign of hair loss or preferably earlier, start using the right hair loss prevention products. There is a plethora of them on the market now days. Take your pick from numerous brand names. A couple key ingredients that these treatments will most likely have in common are DHT blockers and Saw Palmetto. These are wonderful ingredients that help you to retain all the hair you currently have. Now, I'm not talking about hair restoration or growing new hair back. I'm simply talking about keeping the follicles you currently have. If you could do this, wouldn't you?

make your hair grow faster

For a woman one of the most important features of her appearance is her hair. We’ve all suffered with bad hair days along with horrible haircuts. The bad hair day problem can usually be fixed with a ponytail or a hat, the bad haircut is more of a dilemma. If you’ve gotten a hair style that’s too short there are things you can to that may make your hair grow faster.

Having long flowing locks can seem like a far off dream to a woman sporting a short do. It takes months to get hair to grow even a bit, so finding something that helps to make your hair grow faster is worth considering. Every approach varies a little so it’s worth trying a few different things to see what results you achieve.

Most of us go for a trim every six weeks or so if we are happy with our current hairstyle. This keeps it looking in top condition. You may be surprised to know that if you want to make your hair grow faster getting frequent trims can actually help. You naturally don’t want to take off too much if you want to make your hair grow faster but a quarter of an inch or so every couple of weeks can really make a difference.

Some people claim that using hot rollers, a blow dryer or a curling iron damages their hair. This can lead to breakage which makes it difficult to maintain longer hair. If you want to make your hair grow faster consider foregoing the electric appliances at least a couple of times a week. Instead let your hair air dry naturally.

There are some vitamins and minerals which aid in helping both nails and hair grow. People who have thinning hair often look to this avenue. If you want to make your hair grow faster start taking a multi-vitamin each day. Most brands of

hair regrowth treatment options

On the contrary to what many individuals say or how they act around others, losing the dew can be a serious issue. It affects self-confidence levels and proves to be quite an emotional roller-coaster for men and women. In all truth, I think women have it a bit worse. The softer sex is never expected to lose their follicles. On the contrary, their expected to stay young and vibrant looking forever. Fortunately for both genders there are hair regrowth treatment options. It all depends on how far you're willing to go and how much you're willing to spend. Do you really love your hair?

Some folks will go to extreme lengths to keep that head fuzz. My brother isn't one of them. He was losing his curly black hair toward the end of high school, and it didn't seem to faze him. Not that I actually believe he wasn't down about it, because I'm sure he was crying on the inside. I was frank with him when he recently talked to me about it. I felt that there were three factors at play here. The first one is genetics. He was dealt a bad hand. There is really no way to avoid this. The second factor is stress. He was forced to grow up a bit too quickly. Being the oldest one called for certain responsibilities, which can be overwhelming when you're just a kid. And finally there was his diet. The guy eats poorly. I'm talking no fruits and vegetables and hardly any water. The high-fat pizza and burger diet is never wise. It takes a horrible toll on one's appearance. Now, of course there are hair regrowth treatment options for my brother. However, he is past the point of wanting any. He's grown used to and embraced the baldness. Fortunately it looks good on him. As for yourself, you certainly don't have to take this route. Maybe new-age hair regrowth treatment options like Propecia or Rogaine will work for you. Maybe they're exactly what you need to get back that full dew.

Always see a doctor first. When you first notice that you're losing your hair, consult a professional for hair regrowth treatment options and prevention solutions. It's prudent to act early. This way you have a good chance of preventing any more hair loss. Whatever you do, don't wait until half your scalp is completely bare. Get a grip on your hair loss now.

natural hair care

My mother always told me that just because something is natural doesn't mean that it is good for you. Deadly nightshade, for example, is natural. Hemlock is natural. Many, many different natural things will kill you. Nevertheless, I have still always been prone to buying things with the word “natural” on the packaging. Whether it is natural food, natural cosmetics, our natural hair products, I am a sucker for it all. I guess it is because I am well-meaning. I want to do my part to help the planet, although I am unwilling to give up most of the creature comforts that we all take for granted. I wish I had been a little bit more skeptical about All of the so-called natural health junk. Natural hair care sure did a number on my hair.

You see, I went into a natural hair salon looking for treatment. I was having all kinds of problems. In the first place, I have always had dry hair. No matter what my diet is like, my hair is dry and frizzy and prone to tangling. I had tried many different hair care products, but none of them helped. I thought the natural hair care was probably be my best bet. I didn't want to go into a more conventional hair salon, you see, where they would put harsh chemicals into my hair. I figured that natural haircare would involve gentle herbs that would nourish my hair, treating any problems I had without putting too much stress on it.

In addition to natural hair care for frizzy hair, I needed natural baldness treatment as well. My hair had been slowly but surely thinning for years, and Rogaine had done nothing to help. In short, when I went there into that natural hair care salon, I was looking for a miracle. What I got was more akin to a nightmare. After the natural hair care, my hair was so oily that I couldn't even brush the tangles out! If anything, the rate of balding seemed to increase. Rather than being the gentle treatment that I had expected, the natural hair treatment was actually quite harsh and unpleasant. I know that this isn't the typical experience that people have when they get hair care natural products. If anything, these products tend to be too weak rather than strong enough to be damaging. Even so, it should serve as a warning to people – my mother was right about natural products.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hair Regrowth Treatment

On the contrary to what many individuals say or how they act around others, losing the dew can be a serious issue. It affects self-confidence levels and proves to be quite an emotional roller-coaster for men and women. In all truth, I think women have it a bit worse. The softer sex is never expected to lose their follicles. On the contrary, their expected to stay young and vibrant looking forever. Fortunately for both genders there are hair regrowth treatment options. It all depends on how far you're willing to go and how much you're willing to spend. Do you really love your hair?

Some folks will go to extreme lengths to keep that head fuzz. My brother isn't one of them. He was losing his curly black hair toward the end of high school, and it didn't seem to faze him. Not that I actually believe he wasn't down about it, because I'm sure he was crying on the inside. I was frank with him when he recently talked to me about it. I felt that there were three factors at play here. The first one is genetics. He was dealt a bad hand. There is really no way to avoid this. The second factor is stress. He was forced to grow up a bit too quickly. Being the oldest one called for certain responsibilities, which can be overwhelming when you're just a kid. And finally there was his diet. The guy eats poorly. I'm talking no fruits and vegetables and hardly any water. The high-fat pizza and burger diet is never wise. It takes a horrible toll on one's appearance. Now, of course there are hair regrowth treatment options for my brother. However, he is past the point of wanting any. He's grown used to and embraced the baldness. Fortunately it looks good on him. As for yourself, you certainly don't have to take this route. Maybe new-age hair regrowth treatment options like Propecia or Rogaine will work for you. Maybe they're exactly what you need to get back that full dew.

Always see a doctor first. When you first notice that you're losing your hair, consult a professional for hair regrowth treatment options and prevention solutions. It's prudent to act early. This way you have a good chance of preventing any more hair loss. Whatever you do, don't wait until half your scalp is completely bare. Get a grip on your hair loss now.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Title: Urine Therapy. A cure for all illnesses?
Author: Patrick Hamouy

Urine Therapy. A cure for all illnesses?Last year during one of my trips to the Philippines a lady
staying at the hotel got bitten by a jelly fish. Her leg
swelled up quite rapidly and she cried due to the pain. As
she seemed powerless, I approached her and suggested that
she pee'ed on it. She did not seem too enthusiastic about
it and claimed that she had just been to the toilet and did
not feel like peeing any more. I suggested her partner
pee'ed on it. Both started looking at me in a funny way and
declined. She put some chemical on the bite, the leg
swelled up and the pain remained so she had to take some
pain killers.

The same thing has just happened to me this morning. I felt
a sting half way through my swim and hurried back to my
hotel room leaving my girlfriend in the water. I was in
great pain. Puzzled by the statement I had made that I was
about to pee on myself, she quickly joined me in our room
to witness the event.

I stood in the shower and proceeded to pee on my ankle
where the sting was. Relief did not come immediately but
approximately 10 minutes later the pain had become
bearable. Half an hour later I had forgotten about the
incident and all pain was gone. The ankle never swelled up
and no marks appeared.

A magic cure for all illnesses?
Urine has been used successfully for hair loss, cuts,
bruises, digestive problems, eye or ear problems,
headaches, migraine, sinus problems, allergies, dandruff,
inhibition of blood clots (thus possibly avoiding strokes -
safer than aspirin), thrush, it can be used as a skin cream
and will effectively help fight wrinkles (the best facial
cream or after shave I know), asthma, bronchitis, cough,
rheumatism, arthritis, gout, warts, constipation,
diarrhoea, diverticulitis, haemorrhoids, kidney stones,
liver problems, sciatica, enlarged prostate, menstrual
problems, varicose veins, burns, sun strokes, herpes,
insect bites, jellyfish stings, scars, arteriosclerosis,
diabetes, hypertension, mumps.. in fact I have successfully
used urine with most health problems.

Urine has been used for centuries and often has been
described as the World oldest Medicine. Many doctors have
spoken favourably about it:

"Of interest to us is the use of urine in primitive
medicine, for there is scarcely a disease that has not been
treated with it, either by external application or internal
administration" Dr H Smith, Journal of American Medical
Association - July 1954

This remedy has been documented some 5,000 ago in the
Indian "Darmar Tantra" where it was named "the water of
Shiva". It was so successful at treating many conditions
that it found its way in Ayurvedic medicine.

The former Prime minister of Indian Mr. Moraji Desai saw it
as the perfect solution for his nation's health problems
and publicly encouraged his people to use it. He himself
used it and lived to the ripe old age of 99.

Urine was mentioned in England in 1693 in the book
"Salmon's English Physician, or the Druggist's Shop Open'd"
by Dr Salmon.

French, Americans, Chinese and most countries around the
world have recognised its healing properties but still it
is not widely recognised.

Let me answer the most commonly expressed objections to

Urine is full of Germs or Viruses

For approximately 15 minutes after urination your urine is
completely sterile, non-toxic available any time day and
night. No germs or viruses are present and it can be safely
used to clean open wounds.

Urine smells
Urine does not smell when properly massaged into the body
as it will be completely absorbed by the skin. It is true
that if left outside, urine will smell after a while as the
uric acid changes into ammonia.

Urine tastes bad

I would agree with you there if you are a meat or dairy
food eater. The putrefying flesh of the animal food you
have eaten will transport into the urine and it is to be
expected that the taste of urine will reflect this.
However, for those of you who do not eat animal food and
are on a good diet, you will find that your urine taste a
bit like water. Sometimes a little saltier depending on
what you eat. Asparagus and garlic makes urine taste bad.

Urine is a waste product

Your urine is the result of the filtration of your blood by
the kidneys. If you urine is of bad quality, this means
that your blood is also of bad quality. In which case, you
should seriously start thinking about changing your diet
and lifestyle.

Urine is composed of 95 per cent water, two-and-a-half per
cent urea and two-and-a-half per cent mixture of what is in
excess in the blood. So, if you have too much vitamin C in
the blood, the excess will go in the urine, too much
enzyme, too much hormones, too much antibodies etc. all
will go in the urine.

If your diet is good and your blood is of good quality,
then your urine will contain whatever surplus your body
does not need at present. Many nutrients such as:

hormones (aldosterone, androgens, androsterone, estradiol,
estriol, estrone etc..) Many minerals such as magnesium,
manganese, iron, calcium, zinc, Inositol, glycine, iodine,
alanine, ascorbic acid, biotin, cystine, dopamine, folic
acid, potassium can also be found, Vitamin B6, B12,
Enzymes, co enzymes and many more essential ingredients are
contained in your urine.

What is good in the toxins you pee. The Homeopatic effect
of urine

In homeopathy, a patient is given a small dose of a poison
that would cause similar symptoms to the ones he is
suffering from. The body will recognise the poison and
react against them and fights the disease.

We have the same process with urine. By re-ingesting a
minute dose of your own poison, you are going to force the
body to fight against something it does not like. So, as we
can see, even if some toxins are present in your urine, it
is also beneficial.

How to use Urine?

Drinking: The first urine in the morning is the most
potent. Your body has had a chance to regenerate itself
whilst you were asleep and excrete all the surplus it does
not need for the time being. This first urine should be
collected mid-stream (the first few seconds will clear the
tubes and the last few seconds may bring up deposits from
the bottom of the bladder). Drink it immediately whilst
still sterile. Do not wait for it to cool down.

Massage: Fantastic for all skin conditions. Massage it into
the skin until fully absorbed. It will not smell if done

Old urine (more than 3 days old) will stop smelling when
completely absorbed and is preferred to new urine for
chronic organ conditions.

You may also massage urine into your scalp to clean your
hair or it may even help control hair loss. Use new or old
urine for this (old works better).

A full body massage with urine is also recommended for most
health problems.

Compress: Make sure you do not use a synthetic material for
the compress. Use wool if tolerated on the skin otherwise,
cotton will do.

A compress over a problem area can be beneficial (i.e.
kidneys, liver, chest, lungs etc..)

Old urine is best (between 3 and 6 days old) Leave the
compress for at least one hour for maximum benefit.


Urine enemas will help cleanse your colon and regenerates
the intestinal flora. It is also a good supply of vitamins,
minerals, enzyme etc..


Use 5 litters of old urine to a full bath for a complete
skin and body regeneration. Only for the advanced
practitioners as the smell may be too much for you at the


The absolute best remedy for sore throats. I have never
found any other product that worked better or quicker.


Use this for sinus problems or when you suspect the
beginning of a cold or flu. I personally collect some urine
in my hand and sniff it into my nose. It works a treat. If
you have any form of sinus problems, try it.

I have personally been using urine therapy since 2002. I
have never read of or experience any adverse reaction to
it. But my recommendation of course has to be that you
should consult an experience practitioner if you are to use
this therapy. This is called covering your ...

Enjoy, it is a fantastic therapy. Free of charge and more
efficient than a lot of harmful chemicals used today.

About the Author:

Patrick Hamouy runs a school of Alternative Therapies with
branches in West London and Brighton (UK). He teaches Reiki
Healing, Indian Head Massage, Emotional Freedom Therapy
(EFT), Anatomy & Physiology, Oriental Diagnosis & Psychic
Development. He sees customers for
Macrobiotic, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) and Removal of
toxic products from the home environment Full information
on his web site at:
Article Title: Hair Loss Remedies - Finding The Right Hair Loss Remedy
For You
Author: Helen Hecker

The average typical loss of hair amounts to about 100 strands a day.
And the average human head has about 100,000 hair follicles. Each one of
these follicles can grow about 20 individual hairs during a person's
lifetime. Female or male pattern baldness varies from population to
population based on genetic background. It's important to understand the
cause of your hair loss before you undergo any hair loss remedy or

Some drugs or medications can actually cause hair loss, which improves
when you stop taking the medicine. Medications that can cause hair
loss include the blood thinners, medicines used for gout and gouty
arthritis, chemotherapy drugs used for cancer, too much vitamin A
supplementation, birth control pills and antidepressants. Hypothyroidism can cause
it, especially the thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows. Many
women notice hair loss about three months after they've had a baby.
During pregnancy, high levels of certain hormones cause the body to keep
hair that would normally fall out. So when the hormones return to
pre-pregnancy levels that hair falls out and the normal cycle of growth and
loss starts up all over again.

And some mycotic infections can cause massive hair loss. Fungal
infections of the scalp can cause it in children, which is usually easily
treated with antifungal medicines. About three or four months after an
illness or a major surgery, you can suddenly lose a large amount of hair
temporarily. This loss is related to the extreme stress of the illness.

Recognizing and properly treating an infection may help stop the loss.
If the thyroid gland is either overactive or underactive, hair may fall
out. However treating thyroid disease will remedy this. Poor
digestion, parasites and nutrient deficiencies such as iron or biotin
deficiency shouldn't be overlooked as possible causes.

There are prescription drugs, herbal remedies and topical applications
available for hair loss. Surgical methods used include hair
transplantation, whereby hair-producing follicles are taken from the back and
sides of the head and injected into bald or thinning areas, but this is
very expensive and requires several sessions. Try to go a more natural way
with treatment if possible. Taking drugs means many months of
exposure to chemicals causing side effects and possibly irreversible damage.

Minoxidil is a very expensive drug, which costs about one hundred
dollars per month for daily treatment. Very little testing has been done on
the long-term effects of Minoxidil on women. Surgery is another method
of reversing hair loss and baldness, although it should be considered
an extreme measure. There are both natural products and chemical-based
products for it.

Some of the products for hair loss include: shampoos, shampoos and
conditioners, conditioners, lotions, creams, concealers, thinning hair
shampoos, laser combs, laser brushes, the Lasertron Hair Growth Brush,
herbal based products, chemical based pills or tablets, Nizoral shampoo and
Neutrogena T-Gel. Stress reduction can be very helpful in slowing it

Polygonum Multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure or remedy for hair
loss. Whether or not the plant itself is useful, the general safety
and quality control of herbs imported from China is now questionable. And
saw Palmetto is an herbal DHT inhibitor often claimed to be cheaper
and have fewer side effects than either finasteride or dutasteride. And
unlike other 5alpha-reductase inhibitors, saw palmetto induces its
effects without interfering with the cellular capacity to secrete PSA
(protein specific antigen).

Garlic as a hair loss remedy - an hour before bedtime, slice open a
clove of garlic and rub it on the area of loss, wait for an hour and then
massage the scalp with olive oil, put on a cap, go to bed, shampoo your
hair in the morning, repeat for a few weeks, and hopefully hair will
stop falling out and regrowth will be evident.

One patient reported that he used virgin coconut oil on his hair and
scalp for a year. During that time his hair became thicker and he hade
more of it on the top of his head where he had been receding a bit.
It's good as a hair gel too. Some people lie on a slant board with their
heads down for about 15 minutes a day, but clear it with your doctor
first if you decide to try it.

The onion juice and honey remedy: prepare a hair-growing elixir by
combining 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of honey. Massage the
scalp with this mixture every day.

Resveratrol, from grape skins, is a lipase (relevant to the hair loss
process) and by decreasing the body's ability to absorb fat through the
intestinal walls, it reduces the total fat and calorie content of a
person's diet. Beta Sitosterol, which is a constituent in many seed oils,
can help to treat BHP (benign prostatic hypertrophy) by lowering
cholesterol. But consuming large amounts of it to get at small quantities of
beta sitosterol is likely to exacerbate male pattern baldness. So be
careful if you have BPH and are taking it.

The Asian remedy - rub sesame oil onto your scalp every night, cover
with a cap or old towel. In the morning wash with an herbal shampoo,
rinse with a solution of one tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar to one
quart of water.

The olive oil and rosemary remedy - use equal amounts of olive oil and
oil of rosemary. Combine them in a bottle, shake vigorously, massage
onto the scalp, put on a cap and shampoo in the morning.

Massage the affected scalp areas with the fingers each day. And raw
apple cider vinegar used as a hair rinse may stimulate hair growth.

Remember that any drugs you take for hair loss will be a long term
commitment. When they are stopped the hair loss returns. Make sure you
consider the risks to your health before doing this. If you experience
any form of loss that causes you concern, make an appointment with your
dermatologist, hair loss doctor or regular doctor to discuss the
treatment options available to you for your particular condition. It's
important to find out exactly what is causing your problem in order for you to
choose the right hair loss remedy or approach.

For more information on hair loss remedies and hair loss products go to
a nurse's website specializing in hair
loss treatments, causes and resources for men, women and children
including information on hair transplants and hair loss natural treatments

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Secret Techniques Hollywood Actors Use To Deal With Hair Loss

By James Smither

If you would like to stop your hair loss and regrow most if not all of your lost hair naturally, then this is without question the most important article you'll ever read.

Most hair loss is NOT genetic. The reason most of you reading this are losing hair is because your hair follicles are trapped and blocked off from vital blood supplies that are needed to nourish their development. Your hair is literally being starved to death.

Solve that and most, if not all, of your lost hair will come back. By addressing and eliminating the causes, NOT the symptoms of hair loss ---You can expect your hair to come back for you. SIMPLE!

Reason you do not know about regrowing your hair naturally:

Chemicals, Drugs, Rogaine®, or Transplants?

There’s literally no money in it. All those unnatural ways to grow hair with harsh chemicals and by plugging in hair transplants are earning huge corporations billions of dollars and doctors hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.

Why would they be foolish enough to promote something that would cost you less than $15 in grocery store stuff that are able to regrow hair naturally? On top of that, they can’t make any money off of you from return visits or forcing you to buy their stuff every month for the rest of your life.

Listen. Rogaine® will set you back $40 a month, about $500 a year – for life. A hair transplant will cost around $10,000 or so. And the worst thing about them is that if they don’t work you don’t get your money back!

Here is a natural hair loss tip :

Problem : Excess sebum hardens and builds layers of deposits on your scalp to choke off your hairs and make growing hair extremely hard.

Solution :Dab and rub olive oil all over your head before you go to bed. Sleep with it on your head the whole night and shampoo it out in the morning.

So,why do I have you do this? Olive oil helps to break up those hardened layers and eliminate bacteria for healthier hair growth.

About the Author: Stop Your Hair Loss @
