Monday, March 10, 2008

New Hair Loss Products

By Ash R

There are many new hair loss products, which are launched. Hair loss products could be allopathic, ayurvedic, homeopathic etc. The latest news on hair loss is that the demand for hair loss products is growing at a fast pace.

There are many new hair treatments and products available, which help in hair growth and prevent hair loss. The most effective hair loss products are Regaine, Propecia and Dutasteride, which are prescribed by dermatologists. You should not buy hair loss products by yourself. You should consult a dermatologist before buying any hair loss product as they help you by prescribing the best hair loss products for your type of hair.

Losing hair is common nowadays due to stress, pollution etc. There is continuous research going on to develop new hair loss products. Latest news on hair products and hair treatment is available on many websites. According to clinical trials conducted in 2004, hair cloning or hair manipulation could be the next big thing in hair restoration.

There are lots of hair loss products available on the internet which can be purchased, but consulting a dermatologist would help a lot. There are lots of new hair loss products like hair shampoos, hair oils, hair growth pills etc. These products help in hair growth and prevent hair fall. By massaging hair oil on the scalp the hair, which is not strong enough, could fall and new hair would grow. People prefer medication rather than surgery and the strides being taken in hair loss medicine research is phenomenal.

To learn more visit

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

How You Can Look Really Fashionable And Gorgeous With Significant Hair Loss

Baldness amongst women is something hardly discussed in the fashion press and yet it is estimated that as many as 6 million women in the UK suffer with significant hair thinning, excessive hair shedding, androgenetic hair loss (the female equivalent of male baldness) and significant hair loss through the different forms of alopecia.

For men, baldness has become increasingly socially acceptable, with many men now shaving their heads. If anything this is the preferred trend, currently more acceptable than the ‘comb-over’ or the toupĂ©e. For women it still remains the final taboo, an embarrassment beyond open discussion.

Hair represents so many things to each individual, even if your hair before hair loss could hardly be described as your ‘crowning glory’. Your hair still probably conveyed your general well-being, your sense of style and personality, even your lifestyle. It’s highly understandable that for most women who have spent years defining and refining a hairstyle that makes them recognisable to family, friends and colleagues, should feel devastated at its loss.

With this taboo subject, there is little understanding of the social and psychological pressures women face. Hair loss isn’t about mere vanity for women, it is about trying to maintain a healthy attitude to body image, which is critical to the recovery process as well as coping with longer-term hair loss issues.

So how can you deal with those issues? How can you repair the damage to your self-esteem, your confidence, your body image, your look, your style?

Two common options spring to mind: wigs – improving all the time, with the more expensive light weight wefted and monofilament models and wig personalization cutting services becoming more available. However wigs in the summer months can prove hot and itchy when worn over prolonged periods of time. So let’s focus on the second fashion alternative - hats/ scarves. There is headwear available on the market specifically for women with hair loss, focusing on the practicalities of hiding that hair loss. Depending on your point of view, you could feel this actually highlights the problem, drawing attention to it, rather than softly distracting the eye away from it. And this doesn’t do much to build the self-esteem.

Most women report their biggest concern with the onset of significant hair loss is that they feel everyone is looking at them. How do women get to feel comfortable in their own bodies again or indeed feel they can simply blend in wherever they go? In fashion terms it’s all in the planning, take a good look in your wardrobe and figure out what you like to wear, what you feel good in and what other people tell you really suits you. List the number of complete outfits you can put your hand on and then think about how you’re going to accessorise those outfits to go with your new hair loss image. Jewellery is key, if you only wear gold or silver consider now picking up colour in a piece of jewellery, i.e. earrings or necklace that complement the colours of an outfit.

This also means coordinating headwear, coordinating because if you’re trying to ‘blend in’ it shouldn’t dominate your outfit, it should complement it and mimic the style of the outfit. The hat colour should ideally coordinate with you i.e. a colour selected because you know it suits your eyes/skin tone and the colour reflects something in the chosen outfit. Mimicking style can be hard for some people, for most of us it is ‘everyday casual’, in which case soft fabric hats are the most accessible style to find and feel comfortable in. Find a hat style that suits you and stick with it, duplicate it, triplicate it, purchase it in as many colours as you like to suit your key outfits. Suddenly life will feel ordered and calm, we’ve talked to women, who once they knew they were looking the best that they could, their confidence soared and they felt able to cope. Fashion for them becomes like that magical cloak but they don’t disappear, it simply deflects any curiosity and they can get out there and get on with life and focus on the important issue of recovery.

How do you achieve this? With a supportive network and an openness to experiment and work at achieving that new image. Headwear is nothing to be afraid of or concerned about, it is simply another item of clothing. Chose it well and it will serve you well and make you feel gorgeous, and people will only see the hat, your style, and you!

About The Author
Nicky Zip is the founder and managing director of Suburban Turban: fashionable and stylish headwear for women suffering from hair loss.

With over 20 years experience in creative design and millinery, Nicky has spent the last 10 years designing and making hats for the English season, including Ascot races, Henley-on-Thames Royal Regatta and racing at Goodwood. Nicky’s hats have also been seen at Buckingham Palace, the Queen’s Golden Jubilee celebrations and Sandhurst.

Nicky trained in millinery in Kensington and Chelsea and at the London College of Fashion and in 2005 Nicky Zip won 'Best Hat' at Lingfield Ladies’ Day, made even more prestigious by Ascot being closed that year, and her hats have also appeared in 'Hello!' magazine.

The idea for Suburban Turban was formed at a charity fashion show for GRACE, (Gynae-oncology Research and Clinical Excellence), last year, where several ladies were discussing the real need for fashionable product for women experiencing hair loss.

After this event, Nicky went on to do significant research into hair loss and has spent six months sourcing the right products from Europe and the UK. She is an expert in her field of traditional millinery and is rapidly becoming one in her adopted field of headwear for hair loss.

For more information or more articles by Nicky Zip please visit or email Nicky on
Tel: 0845 003 2 800

Genetic Hair Loss

by: Kaelem Steven

Hair loss is the most dreaded problem among humans as it directly affects the person’s outlook. Hair loss can be caused by a number of things like using harsh chemical soaps, shampoos, gels, stress or imbalanced diet. Certain illness can also cause hair. These are all causes in hair loss but the most common type of hair loss that affects approximately 95% men and 70% women is known as hereditary hair loss also known as Genetic hair loss. Genetic hair loss is more commonly observed among males than females and usually starts at the age of 30. The reason for this is that this type of hair loss depends on the extent to which the male hormone testosterone is converted in the scalp to another hormone dihydroxytestosterone. Although genetic hair loss takes place usually after the age of 30 in many cases but in some cases it starts to happen as early as your late teens. Genetic hair loss comes usually from the mother’s side of the family.

Genetic hair loss occurs due to the shortening of the hair's growth cycle, this in turn makes the hair thinner and shorter, and a time comes when the growth stalls completely. It is also responsible for developing bald patches and interacts with the hair follicles. The hereditary hair loss has a very predictable pattern, which is often followed from generation to generation so you can predict by seeing your father and his father how you will go. By the time men reach 50 years of age 50% of the men become bald. In case of men hair loss usually occurs on the crown or the top of the head starting with a receding hairline and leaving healthy hair on the back and sides of the head.

Through certain preventive measure people can slow down the process of baldness. These include using products that make the hair healthy and avoid certain things that damage hair and make them weak, as weak hair fall of easily.

About The Author
Kaelem Steven has many years of experience in the field of Hair care. She writes for various publications on a variety of topics about common hair disorders and their treatments. For more articles on hair loss and its causes please visit

What You Need to Know to Stop Hair Loss Caused by Stress

by: Rudy Silva

Hair loss is of concern to most people at one point in their lives. When the time comes they want to know how to stop hair loss. Stopping hair loss can become an easy solution when you first notice that you are losing hair. If you ignore this condition hoping it will go away, you are making a big mistake.

Hair loss
is a reflection of your general health. It is a major warning that you have poor health. The poor health condition that you might have can be complex and to reverse it will require some work, since this condition has taken a while on your part to create. The other thing that complicates your poor health condition is that there might be a psychological or stress problem that needs correction.

The first thing you need to look at is if you have a lot stress going on. This stress can come from a recent or past change is your personal relationships. These relationships can be at home, with relatives or at work. You could be working late hours working on difficult problems that create a lot of pressure on you. It could be a divorce you going through or a financial crisis. These problems can be worked out but it takes patience and sometimes courage.

Psychological problems are more difficult to work through. These types of problems create a complete imbalance in your body's chemistry and over time create hair loss. Stopping hair loss from this condition requires therapeutic help and a good nutritional and diet program.

Any stress or psychological problems requires a base line of good nutrition and diet, if you want to stop their effects on hair loss. These problems create a massive depletion of vitamins and minerals that are needed for hair health. Some times it is difficult to get into the habit of eating food that you need to stop hair loss. Changing habits that have been instilled in you since birth are not easy to change. You have patterned you eating habits based on your psychological issues and the stress you have in your life.

If you are experiencing stress, than you need to start changing your diet to replace the depleted nutrients caused by stress. The first vitamin you need to supplement with is the B-vitamins. These vitamins are always used up when you are stressed and they are critical in providing you with good hair. Then, you need to supplement with anti-oxidants. Stress and psychological problems create a lot of free radicals in your body. These free radicals lead to poor blood circulation throughout your body and including your scalp.

Most of us have stress and psychological issue we need to take care of. Start looking at how you can reduce these issues and start supplementing with B-vitamins and anti-oxidants so you can prevent or stop hair loss. You can learn what foods contain the B's and anti-oxidants, but you need therapeutic levels of the B's and anti-oxidants and you can not get these levels from food. You need to get them from supplements.

About The Author
Rudy Silva, natural nutritionist, has just introduced his new hair loss e-book call "New Hair Loss Treatments." To find out more details on this e-book, go to:

Why You Have Hair Loss as You Age

by: Rudy Silva

As you know, most of you at some point will start experiencing hair loss. There are some of you that became bald in your twenties or thirties. But most you, you will lose your hair gradually and then one day you will notice your hair thinning in one area. This occurs because as you age your health deteriorates.

Poor health and hair loss

There are quite a few areas that are related to hair loss. But in general they are all tied together in a fine puzzle. The major reason for hair loss that I discovered was poor health, both physical and psychological. When you are in poor health, you will exhibit numerous symptoms and one that becomes obvious is hair loss.

The extreme poor health condition is when people are subjected to chemotherapy. All of the body systems are poisoned creating massive poor health. All hair is lost.

Hair loss and the endocrine system

Hair loss relates to your body's endocrine system. It is these organs, thyroid, adrenal, thymus, and pancreas that control the function of your body's health by the hormones that they release. One hormone that controls hair loss and hair growth is testosterone.

Hair loss and testosterone

Testosterone is frequently converted to a substance call DHT by a specific enzyme. It is DHT that affects hair growth by disturbing your hair's follicle and destroying it. When the endocrine organs fail to control testosterone there is an excess, much of this excess is converted to DHT.

Women also have testosterone but this is balanced by the high level o estrogen that they have. But when the estrogen balance is upset, women will see hair loss because of more testosterone in their blood.

Diet and hair loss

The food you eat also determines how much testosterone is created in your body. It is important to eat a special type of natural diet to maintain healthy organs that can keep a hormonal balance in your body, so that you have good body health.

When you are not in the best of health and use various types of medication, your hormones are out of balance and your body is in need of nutritional help. It is the vitamins and minerals that help the body rebalance it self, but it is best that these nutrients come from raw food. This is why a colon and blood cleanse is important to do to give your body some help in providing nutrients and giving it a rest from processing heavy foods.

Stress and hair loss

Then there is stress. This is a real hair killer. Stress uses up a lot of your vitamins and minerals. Your body protects you from stress by releasing cortisone and by adjusting your hormone levels to an un-natural condition. Stress creates an imbalance in your hormones and now your hair loss increases and your health starts to deteriorate.

The one thing I realized as I researched why I experience hair loss 15 years ago is that if you seek to improve your health in a natural way, your health gets better and your hair loss stops and maybe you may even grow some hair back.

About The Author
Rudy Silva, natural nutritionist, has just introduced his new hair loss e-book call "New Hair Loss Treatments." To find out more details on this e-book, go to: